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I've been crying for hours but it was all my fault. I rejected him and now he choose someone else to be with. I'm happy for him. I am. But I'm not happy for myself. It was just to hurt. I lose someone that I love again.

Then I remembered Yonhee's words. "People will always love you, Junhee." I closed my eyes as new tears brimming down my face. Making a new stained of tear drops on my pillow. No one loves me.

I sniffed a few times. Grabbing a tissue and blew my nose. I snuggled more into my blanket. The darkness took over me and soon I felt asleep with tears stained on my cheeks.


I shut my locker after taking my books. Walking down the hallway but a hand stopped me. "I told you Jimin is mine." Not in the early morning please.

I walked passed her but she gripped my hand and slammed my back on the locker. I gritted my teeth at the impact. "You dare ignore me?" "Yes I dare, what are you gonna do? Tell mother? Go ahead!" She was about to slapped me but,

"Kiyeon!" Someone yelled her name making her stopped. I saw Taehyung, also Jimin, sprinting towards us. Kiyeon instantly let go of me and threw her body on Jimin. "Baby" she cooed.

I picked up my book on the floor, Taehyung scouted down to help me. "Are you okay?" I nodded while picking my last book before making my way to class.

"Junhee, good morning." I muttered a morning to Jinhee and slumped on my seat. "You okay? Look stress." " I am." Jinhee rubbed my back, up and down. I placed my head on the table. She does the same. We stared at each other.

"The more I look at you, the more I see me." I chuckled at her statement. But I saw the same too. She almost look like me. Her eyes, her nose, her lips. Just like a copy of me.

She reached forward and caressed my cheeks. "Don't frown too much. You'll get old." I smiled. Okay we totally looked so weird right now but who cared, she helped me lessen my stress.
"Wanna hang out with me today?" I shook my head, telling her I couldn't. She kept on persuade me to go with her until we didn't realize that Mark was standing in front of us.

"Hey, baby!" Jinhee stood up to hug him. Mark kissed Jinhee's forehead before letting go of her. "You guys hanging out today?" Jinhee nodded but I shook my head. Mark scratched his neck, confused.

"You'll go with me. By hook or by crook Junhee. Oh please, I don't have any girl friend to hang out with. Beside, Mark taste in choosing clothes is sucks."

"Hey I do no-" "Please Junhee. Just this time." Jinhee plead me with her puppy eyes. I'm having a battle with my mind right now. Should I? Well, my parents would be coming home late tonight. Kiyeon probably with Jimin. So, why not?

I pursed my lips and nodding. Jinhee squealed in delight before pulling me into a crushing bone hug. "Baby, enough. She's suffocating." Jinhee pulled away while pouting. Then, Taehyung, Jimin and Kiyeon walked into the classroom.

My eyes felt on Jimin and Kiyeon intertwined hands. The class wooing and cheering cause they knew that Kiyeon and Jimin were finally official now. Taehyung walked to me, "Jun, you left me."

I patted his head, "I'm sorry, Taetae. I'll treat you ice cream after school. I'll hang out with Jinhee today. Can Taehyung come with us?" Jinhee shook her head. Taehyung plead at Jinhee. Clasping his hand together and pouted freaking cutely.

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