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"She should stop doing all this things." I said as I shoved the food into my mouth.

"You enjoyed her cooks tho." 

I snickered. "Then you want me to starve to death?"

"You could eat outside. I gave you money." I rolled my eyes at my mom. 

"You're always siding that Junhee girl. Don't say that you love her more than your own son."

"I do since the time you treat her like a stranger." I stopped munching my food and look at my mom in disbelief.

"Jimin, I don't mean it like that. It just that, can't you see her efforts? I know that you don't remember anything about her but please, try to at least get to know her a bit. Show her some appreciation. You are her first love after all, Jimin."

I sighed and stood up. "You know what mom, first love is the thing that will never work." I left the dining room, leaving my food unfinished on the plate and leaving my mom all frustrated.

I stepped outside the house after putting on my jacket. Strolling on the walk side feeling all grumpy until suddenly, "Auch."

I stared at the girl I bumped into. "I'm sorry." I bowed.

"It's okay." She smiled and it somehow made my heart fluttered. I helped to pick up her things that scattered on the ground. 

Gently giving them back to her. "Uhm.. I'm sorry for bumping into you. Can I do something as a way of saying sorry? A cup of coffee maybe?"

She tapped her chin with her index finger. "Sure. My fav place?"

"My treat then." I beamed at her.



"Thank you for coming! Have a nice day." I smiled while waving at the customers that left the cafe. 

I went back to their previous table and cleaned it up. Making sure that there was no dirty stain on the table so that other customers could use it.

The sudden clinking sound of the bell signalling that another customer has come. I quickly went back to the counter to take their orders but was shocked when I saw the figures in front of me.

I blinked a few times to make sure that it was just a  dream. But how unfortunate that it wasn't.

"M-may I t-take your orders?"

"One cappuccino latte with whipped cream and one iced americano." I pressed the orders while controlling my breathing.

"Under what name?"

"Park Jimin and Min Kiyeon." I saw the smirked on her face as she stood beside Jimin in way too much closer for my liking.


"Dahell are they doing here? Together? Damn, I need a break." 

I dashed to the washroom and washed my face. I splashed the water all over my face. I looked up into the mirror as I saw how pale my face now. It was like all my blood was drained out from my body. 

I wiped my face after that. Leaning my body against the sink while sighing. I felt hot tears streaming down my face as I remembered how happy Jimin looked when laughing with Kiyeon. Just as he used to be when with me before. 

I balled my fist, closing my eyes in determination that I'll move on from Park Jimin.

"Song Junhee." Someone called me from outside. I composed my posture and went back to the front. I saw my co workers waving her hand at me. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Can you please serve this food on that table over there. I got some works to do at the back."

Nodding my head, I took the tray that contain a plate of spaghetti and a plate of chocolate moose cake on it towards the mentioned table. 

Unfortunately, the table that I was heading to was behind Jimin and Kiyeon's table. I look ahead without sparing any glance at them. 

Just then, I felt like my body fell forward, the tray on my hand fly high and land on someone else table. Making their food splattered all over the table, on their shirts and even their faces.

As for me, I fell, face  first, causing my nose to bump the floor. I groaned in pain. I sat up from the floor while covering my bleeding nose. 

Kiyeon was the causes of this by the way she smirked victoriously. She tripped my freaking foot. 

People were laughing at me. I looked down and realized that my blood was dripping. 

"Hey! You think you could easily get away from this! How dare you dirtying my clothes! Don't you know how expensive they are?!"

The customer yelled on my face. I kept saying sorry again, and again. "You think sorry can solve this!?" A strong slap landed on my face as I gasped in shock.

I saw that the guy wanna give me another slap so I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact but nothing came.

"You shouldn't hit woman if you think you're a man." The voice. I opened my eyes slowly and shocked to see Yonhee holding the guy's wrist, preventing him from slapping me.

He shoved the guy, continuing to pull me up from the floor. Glaring at Jimin before walking away with me trailing behind him.



I felt bad. I felt really bad. 

Why? Why do I feel so angry towards myself? Why do I feel disappointed that I'm not the one who save Junhee? Why is it so sad to see her shaking in scared? Why am I thinking about her? 

"Jimin ssi?"

I snapped my head up, "Yes." I muttered slowly.

"This might be too soon to say this but I feel that I kinda like you. I feel very comfortable with you even though it's our first meeting."

She showed me her stunning smile. I pressed my lips into thin line and cleared my throat before speaking. 

"I-i think that I feel the same towards you too, K-kiyeon ssi. And it might be too soon to say this too but."

I gulped the lump in my throat.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


First step, accomplished.

I metal noted myself while smirking internally. Well, well. It wasn't as I hard as I thought. Taking advantage of Jimin state from the aftermath of his incident sure made things easier for me to make Jimin fell in love with me. 

And now,it's pay back time, Junhee. 

Kinda short but yeah I updated XD. Well then, enjoyed.

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