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"Good morning." I turned around and saw Kiyeon walked into the kitchen with a small smile on her face. I nodded my head, ushering her to take the seat while I finished preparing the breakfast.

"Where's Jimin?" She asked. I gulped before answering.

"He's still asleep." She hummed.

"Junhee.." I scooped the last piece of the pancakes before placing it on the plate and made my way to the kitchen table.


Kiyeon bit her lips, eyes darting everywhere in the room except me.

"I'm sorry for hurting you all this time and thank you for letting me stay." I smiled. Saying that I've already forgive her and it was my job to help my sister.

The fact that I still think her as my sister made her eyes teary, thanking me million times.

"Can I ask you something?" She nodded while munching the pancake.

"Why does our parent divorce?" She put down her utensils, eyes staring blankly at the pancakes.

"After you left, father become quieter than he used to. He keep coming home late, making mother become suspicious of him. One day, mother found a lipstick stained on his shirt. They fought about it."

I pursed my lips into thin line. Why is father becoming like that? Is it because of me?

"Mother keep bragging about it until father couldn't stand her anymore and said those hurtful words. While me, I couldn't do anything but cried at the scene. Father has change so much. It hurt me." She started sobbing.

I patted her back, soothing her. I told her that she was welcomed here and don't need to worry about anything.

"How's mother now?" She smiled a bit but it was a sad smile.

"Mother couldn't stand the stress, so she committed suicide."

I gasped and covered my mouth. Couldn't believe the words that came out from her mouth. Saying my condolence to her, I decided to visit mother's graveyard.



"You sure you wanna go alone, baby?"

"I'm not going alone. Jinhee will come with me." She said as she tied up her converse.

"Why not me?" I jutted my lips in a sulking way. She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Because you, my lovely cute squishy boyfriend that I'll love forever, has a dance practice to attend. Now, go and change or you'll be late. I'll make my way first, okay? Bye. I love you."

She pecked my lips, already pulling away but I pulled her back and kissed her deeply. She chuckled in between the kiss.

"I'm only going for awhile, Jimin."

"I know but I've start to miss you already." She pinched my nose. I, not willingly, let her go and watched her made her way to the front door. Slowly, slipping outside and closing the behind her.

I sighed as I would not be able to meet her until I finished my practice, which was end at late evening. Making my way to the living room as I still have a little bit of time before going to the practice room.

"Hey, Jimin." Kiyeon appeared in the living room. Shit, I forgot she's here.

"Uhmm. H-hey."

She sat next to me. I crooked my brows and moved away a little bit.

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