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"What happen to your head?" Petrified with fear, I stood riveted to the ground with my eyes glued to the floor. Tiny drops of sweat appeared on my brow, feeling that my knees could no longer hold the weight of my body as my mother took steps nearing me.

"Answer me you worthless child!" I flinched a the rise of her voice. Making my voice trembling when answering. I told her that I was being reckless and hurt myself. Silence filled the bleach-tinged air and her eyes stared at me, unblinking. "Clean the house, I'm going out today. By the time I get home, everything is pristine." She said as she made her way out from the house and shut the door with a loud thud.

"Thank God she doesn't ask more." I huffed a sigh of relief, making my way to the flight of stairs until, "Having fun with Jimin?" I felt like the air was knocked out from my body, feeling hard to breath or even to speak. Kiyeon eyed me up and down with an elated smirk plastered on her face. "Why? Cat got your tounge?" Indolently making her way down the stairs, she stood in front of me.

"Yes, yes I'm having a lot of fun with Jimin." I didn't know since when I became this optimistic in front of Kiyeon but I've had enough from her. She was stunned, regaining her confident self back later. "I see. You dare to talk back now. Well, I hope he won't end up like your Yonhee." Leaning closer to my ear, "Take care of your man, futile."

Bumping her shoulder into mine, she walked out of the house. I sighed tiredly at the mention of Yonhee,making my way up instantly.



weeks later)

Tomorrow is my birthday! Yey! Oh, and Jinhee's too. How can I forgot my twin sister.

The thought of celebrating my birthday with someone, rather than someone, my family made me felt in cloud nine. Jinhee already plan a surprise party for ourselves.

Who plans his/her own surprise party? We do!

And it has been weeks since me and Jimin were together. Kiyeon haven't done anything yet but I bet she got something in her mind. Shaking my head, I made my way home alone cause I had to stay back a bit at school and couldn't go home with Jimin.

Out of a sudden, my face lit up with the biggest, most radiant smile as I entered my room. Jimin was waving his cute little chubby hand outside my window. I threw my backpack on my bed, dashing to the window in a not-so-calm way. "I miss you."

"Pfft, we just met awhile ago. You're over reacting."

"You haven't change?" I shook my head. "About to. I just come back."

"Woo, let me see." A mischievous pervert grin crept on his face as he crooked his brows up and down. I smacked his shoulder, regretting it later when I saw Jimin lose his balance. Almost fell 10 meters onto the ground. "Okay, okay. I was joking. Don't kill me. I'm too young and handsome plus hot to die."

Pulling him inside my room,he engulfed me into a breathtaking hug. "Let go, I'm smelly."

"Yes you are. Now go and wash, stinky." I snorted and made my way to the bathroom for a super quick shower. Not wanting Jimin to wait for too long. Ew, what am I thinking.

I was drying my wet hair with fresh washed towel as I entered my room back. Jimin was giggling at something on my bed. I squinted my eyes and saw he was looking at my childhood album. Even worst, it was a picture of me naked!

"Jimin! No!" I stormed to grab the album from him but he was fast enough to snatch it, waving it in the air. "Look at your butt! It's so cute. It looked so mochi." He clutched his stomach while laughing hard.

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