Chapter 1: Vibrations

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Seeing the vision pop into his head, was a vision Cisco never wanted to see again.  It was his worse fear.  And unfortunately, he hadn't had a vision yet, that did not come true.  After seeing the image, it took him a few moments to regain control.  He could feel his heart racing.  Since becoming who he was; Cisco had never been afraid again.  He had never allowed anything to take control over him and give him fear.  He never allowed himself to be weak again.  But unfortunately he did have a weakness.  And he could not allow his enemies to know what that weakness was.  Because it was his only reason for living.  If he lost them.  If he lost her, he would have nothing.  Be nothing.  This vision.  Was one vision he wasn't going to allow to come true.

He closes his eyes only for a moment.  Because he was afraid that if he kept them closed too long, the image of her dying, would come back to haunt him.  This was one vision, he had to stop from coming true.  He still meant what he said all those years ago.  If it ever came down to needing protecting.  If it ever came down to his life or hers.  He would risk his life to keep her safe in a heartbeat.  Even knowing who she was now.  But deep down, he had always felt.  Hoped, at least, that the same Caitlin he once knew would be deep down inside Killer Frost somewhere.  Unfortunately, he was still waiting for that day.  And chose to lose himself in the process.

"What's taking you so long!"  He heard a cold voice coming from behind him.  He whipped around to see Zoom.  The person he hated most.  The person, he knew was going to take her life.  He had tried to hide it from him, so to prevent it from happening.  But Zoom was smart.  And now, to keep Caitlin safe, Cisco was now working with Zoom.  To find out what he was up to.  So he could prevent the event from happening.  As they said, keep friends close and enemies closer right?  He thought it would be the only way..  "Sorry..  I got caught up in something."  Zoom glared at Cisco.  "Open that breech."  Zoom ordered.  "There.."  Cisco glared at the man in the black masked suit.  "I've done what you've asked me to do.  Now, I need to go."

Once Cisco watched him disappear into the breech and was sure Zoom made his way to earth one, Cisco closed the breech up.  "Now..  First thing is first."  Cisco exited out of his place to make his way towards the warehouse where he knew she'd be hiding.  As Cisco rounded the corner to enter the warehouse, he jumped back quickly feeling the heat of Deathstorm.  "Vibe?  What are you doing here?"  Deathstorm asked surprised to see Cisco at their place of hiding.  It had been a long time since Cisco chose to be a part of their crusade.

Cisco hesitated a moment.  He wanted to speak with this piece of information about Caitlin to her alone.  "I need to speak to Cai..  I mean Killer Frost."  Cisco noticed right away the look he got from Deathstorm as he was about to say Caitlin's old name.  "Chill Deathstorm."  She smirked at her somewhat own pun.  Cisco glanced over to see Caitlin approaching the two of them.  "Well well.... Look who it is.. Long time no see Vibe boy.."  She smirked again as she used her old nickname for Cisco.

"I need to speak with you..  Please.."  Cisco watched her movements closely.  Though he was sure she wouldn't hurt him, he could never be too sure.  He had seen her kill unfortunately.  It was something he himself had tried to prevent.  Because he had seen it.  The killing was what brought her over the edge to be bad.  And he should have been able to save her.  But he was too late.  He closed his eyes shaking his head at those memories. 

Caitlin watches Cisco studying him a bit before nodding.  "Alright.  We can talk.."  Caitlin suddenly felt Ronnie grab her arm.  "I don't think that is wise.  We can't exactly trust him."  Caitlin glanced over at him.  "You of all people know I can handle myself."  She smirked giving him a small wink.  This made Cisco fidget a little.  Perhaps his last thought of her hurting him was wrong.  Maybe the Caitlin he knew and loved really truly was gone.  But he still was holding out.  He didn't want to believe it.  "I was hoping we could go somewhere more private."  Caitlin glanced back at Ronnie a moment and nodded.  "I won't be too long okay?"  She turned back to face Cisco and nodded.  "Let's go."  As soon as Caitlin exited out of the warehouse, Cisco followed reluctantly.

"This better be important.  Ronnie and I have somewhere we need to be for another heist.  And we can't mess this one up."  Cisco glances at her taking a deep breath.  "I just want you to keep alert and be careful."  Caitlin rolled her eyes.  "Not you too.  I can well take care of myself Vibe.  I'm Killer Frost after all."  She smirks.  "The name should speak it all for itself."  Cisco smirked a little.  Though he missed the old Caitlin, he had to admit, he found her bad side and cockiness pretty badass.  "Look..  Caitlin..  Listen to me.."  He didn't care if she got mad he used her old name.  He noticed he received a glare but surprisingly she didn't try to hurt or kill him for it.  He wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not, but sometimes he believed he was the only one besides Ronnie who could get by using her real name and not get killed for it.

"Earlier.. I had a vision..  A vibe.  I just need you to be very careful and stay safe okay?"  Caitlin stopped walking and turned so she was facing Cisco.  "Nothing is going to happen to me.  I've got Ronnie to protect me.  He won't let anything happen."  Cisco watches her closely staying quiet a few minutes.  He could see he wasn't going to convince her that she was in danger.  Unfortunately, her and Ronnie thought they were unstoppable.  And unfortunately he couldn't really tell her how.  All he could do was warn her.  "Promise me.."  Caitlin looked a bit surprised at his words but nodded.  "Promise.  Can I go now?"  Cisco let out a small sigh.  "You can go." 

Cisco watched Caitlin as she turned to head back to the warehouse and back to Ronnie.  He knew she was right.  That Ronnie would protect her.  But this was different.  Cisco was going to have to do this all on his own.  He would have to protect her himself.  And as he said all those years ago.  He would do it at all costs.

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