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Cisco made a small glance around as he walked into the church building with Jesse.  "This is so weird.."  He muttered.  Jesse glanced over at him and smirked to keep from laughing.  "Come on Cisco it's not going to be that bad."  Cisco glanced over at Jesse as one of the ushers helped lead them to their seat to sit down.  "Are you kidding?  I'm basically watching myself get married.  And to my best friend!  How can that not be weird?"  Jesse laughed shaking her head.  "It'll be fine.  Plus you look good in a suit."  She said laughing as she looked over at him.  Cisco scowled at her a little.  "That's not funny."

Cisco and Jesse had barely sat down when they heard Barry's familiar voice.  Cisco glanced over giving him and Iris a smile.  "Hey guys!  So.  You better take notes.  Because I bet you'll be doing this next.."  He smirked.  Barry rolled his eyes and Iris gave him a small punch.  "Hey!"  Cisco rubbed his arm where Iris punched him.  Iris laughed a little.  "I didn't punch that hard Cisco.  "Yes but I am not that muscular.  Even the slightest hit leaves bruises.."  Barry laughed as Iris only shook her head.  Cisco made a small glance around as he heard the organist began to play the music.  He turned his head to look in the back of the church.  Caitlin wasn't quite there yet.  He turned his head around in time to see his doppleganger making his way towards the front of the church.  "This is so weird.."  He muttered to himself again.

"So.. Cisco.  How did you and Vibe explain this one?"  Barry asked letting out a small laugh.  Cisco rolled his eyes.  "Well.  Obviously since we are look alikes, people definitely believe us when we tell them that he's my long lost twin brother."  Barry was ready to say something when he noticed that the organ was starting to cue for Caitlin to walk down the aisle.  The four of them stood up and turned towards the aisle smiling a little as they watched Joe starting to walk Caitlin down the aisle.

As Caitlin had been dancing with Barry for the dollar dance, Barry suddenly felt someone tapping him on the shoulder.  "Might I cut in?"  Cisco asked.  Barry turned slightly chuckling before stepping aside.  "She's all yours.."  Cisco glanced at Caitlin a moment.  "This isn't going to be too weird is it?"  Caitlin raises her eye slightly.  "No of course not..  You're my best friend Cisco."  The two of them slowly began to take their turn dancing.  He gave a small smirk.  "And I am also your husband.."  Cisco teased.  Caitlin laughed shaking her head giving him a hard punch.  "Hey!  What's with everyone punching me today?  I meant..  In an alternate universe.."  Caitlin laughed.  "Just don't let your doppleganger here you say that.  You know what he is capable of.." She smirked.  Cisco bit his lip.  "Good point.."  He was ready to say something else when the next person in line had chosen to cut them off for their turn.  Cisco smiled at Caitlin patting her shoulder before exiting off the dancefloor and walking over to the table where the rest of the group were, sitting down next to Jesse.

"So..  What were you and my doppleganger talking about?"  Vibe smirked as he had finally been able to make his way back to his wife.  Caitlin grinned back a bit as she wrapped her arms around him and they began to dance.  "Oh.  You know how he is..."  Vibe chuckles.  "I suppose I do.  He smiled a little as he continued dancing with his wife giving her a small twirl before pulling her back close to him.  "I love you."  He said quietly as he had pulled her back into his arms.  Caitlin smiled glancing up at him.  "I love you too."  He slowly leaned in giving her a quick kiss.  As the song finished and Caitlin noticed the time she turned to look back at Vibe.  "I'll be right back okay?"  He raises his eye watching her curiously.  "Is everything okay?"  She smiled placing a hand on his shoulder.  "Everything is fine.  There is just something i need to set up quick."  Vibe nodded watching as Caitlin took off towards the dj.

Seeing Caitlin walking towards the dj, Barry looked slightly nervous.  "Oh no.  This can't be good."  He muttered remembering the last time that Caitlin and him had sang.  Cisco smirked knowing exactly what was going on.  He laughed at Barry's comment.  Vibe had stayed standing where he was looking confused a moment before he noticed Caitlin reaching for the microphone.  He lifted his hand scratching his head as he had heard the story of the karaoke night a few times from his doppleganger.  He watched as Caitlin stepped around so she was standing in front of the table and he gave a small smile as he heard her sing the first few lines of the song It Won't Be Like This For Long.  "He didn't have to wake up, he'd been up all night, laying there in bed, listening to his newborn baby cry.."  Vibe raises his eye slightly at the words but continued to listen to her singing the song, watching as she slowly began to approach and start dancing with him along to the song.  When the song had ended, Caitlin stood there nervously watching for Vibe's reaction.

Barry looked a little surprised hearing Caitlin singing.  Cisco heard Iris gasp and say an "oh my god."  a little louder than she meant to.  Afraid that Iris was going to ruin the surprise for Caitlin, Cisco covered Iris' mouth so she couldn't say anything further.  Iris looked sideways at Cisco giving him a cold glare which made him let go of her.  "You did an amazing job with the song."  Vibe smiled glancing at Caitlin.  He suddenly grew a bit nervous when he noticed Caitlin had a slightly disappointed look on her face.  He was ready to ask what was wrong when he noticed that she had removed the bracelet on her wrist and setting it on the table.  Vibe let his arms wrap around Caitlin but stalled when suddenly some images came to view as soon as he had wrapped his arms around her waist.  Caitlin narrowed her eyes slightly feeling a bit awkward at his reaction.  "Vibe?"  She let her hand rest gently against his cheek to get his attention.  As she did so and he felt her touch, a few more images into the future had come through, the images looking even more clear than the ones before.

He glanced at Caitlin giving an even bigger smile.  "Wait..  Do you mean to say..."  He paused still trying to take everything in.  Caitlin smiled seeing he finally seemed to be registering the news and gave him a small nod.  "Yes."  Vibe laughed a little before completely wrapping his arms around Caitlin and giving her a small spin just enough to lift her feet off the ground before slowly setting her back down but keeping her held in his arms.  Caitlin laughed a little as she felt him spin her around.

"You're not mad are you?"  He kept his smile as he glanced at her.  "Of course not.  How were you?"  Caitlin glanced over towards his doppleganger then reached towards the table she set the bracelet on and held it up to show Vibe.  "Cisco made this so it would block your powers.  So you couldn't see the future of us having a child  I asked him as soon as I found out.  And I wanted to have a way to surprise you."  "I was wondering why my powers weren't working whenever I was around you."  He grinned a little.  He pulled her a little closer to give her another kiss. 

After Vibe and Caitlin had announced the news to everyone else, and the rounds of hugs and congratulations were completed, they watched their guests leave before making their way back to their own apartment to get some rest before their trip the next day.  Once Caitlin was finished getting ready and changed, she flopped herself down onto the bed and let out a small sigh.  "Finally."  She muttered.  Vibe crawled in bed next to Caitlin wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close grinning a little.  "Are you sure you're alright with it?  I know it wasn't really planned."  He glanced at her a moment staying quiet before giving her a smile.  Choosing to say her own words that she once said to him when he asked her about being with him.  "I have never been more sure of anything.."

A KillerVibe Fanfic: A Frozen VibeWhere stories live. Discover now