Chapter 14: A Friend Turned Foe, and a Foe Turned Friend

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"Caitlin!"  Carla said looking just as shocked as Caitlin did.  "Let her go!"  Carla yelled at Zoom.  "How touching.  I guess I got the wrong information..  Because from what I have been told, you two don't exactly get along.  I thought this would be a lot easier.  But I guess I was wrong.."  Zoom said mainly to himself.

Once Cisco had been able to pull himself together, after feeling the pain from the frostbite, he managed to use his other hand that wasn't injured to open the door and rush quickly inside the small abandoned building.  "Let her go!."  Cisco yelled, making the three of them turn towards his direction.  "Ah..  Vibe, just the person I was looking for.  About time that you showed up.."  Cisco watches Zoom closely studying the situation.  He already knew what Zoom was going to have him do.  But yet he knew there still wasn't going to be any way to stop it, if it meant keeping Caitlin safe.

"I'll.... I'll do what you want me to do.  Please can you just let my mother go?"  Carla shook her head.  "Caitlin..  You can't.  I already told you what would happen if it was pushed too far."  Carla warned her.  Caitlin took a deep breath.  Her and her mother had never really seen eye to eye or got along, but it didn't mean she wouldn't do what it took to save her.  And she especially didn't want her to suffer at the hands of Zoom.  "I have no choice."  She muttered.  "Let her go."  "Caitlin..  You don't have to do this."  Cisco said watching them.  Caitlin turned glancing at Cisco.  "Yes..  I do.."  "If you do this, you become her!  Don't give him what he wants!  I told you I wasn't going to let you become her!"  Caitlin suddenly glared at him at his words.  "She's still my mother Cisco.  If I don't do as she is asked, he will kill her!  Besides, whose fault is that anyways?  You knew he had her, you're working with him!"  Cisco closed his eyes taking a deep breath.  "I am not working for Zoom.."  He stated though he was very certain that Caitlin wasn't going to believe him.

"You are willing to work with me then?"  Zoom asked glancing at Caitlin ignoring Cisco.  "I need someone I can trust.  And I think you've got what it takes to do just what I need."  He grinned.  Caitlin took a deep breath before turning to face Zoom again and nodding her head to give him her answer.  "Yes..  I will do as you ask, whatever you want me to do, I will do.  Just please let my mother go.."  Zoom stayed quiet trying to think before nodding in return.  "No!  Caitlin you can't!"  Zoom watched the two of them amused, suddenly getting an idea and let a small smirk form on his face.  "I tell you what.  I have a new idea.."  Cisco and Caitlin glanced at Zoom curious, but also afraid to know what Zoom had in mind.  "You say that you will protect her at all costs...  That you will do whatever it takes to keep her from becoming the person I know she could be capable of."  Zoom then slowly began to walk closer to Cisco.  "Why don't we put that little theory to the test hmm?"  Cisco took a deep breath, not liking where this was going. 

"You have the power..  To put Caitlin out of her misery.  If she does as she is asked, she will become the thing she fears most..  However, if you do one little thing for her..  You could save her all the trouble.."  Cisco bit his lip momentarily.  "What do I need to do?"  Zoom continued on once he saw he had Cisco's attention.  "I know of one way for certain, that can prevent her from becoming Killer Frost..  The question is..  Are you willing to go that far to do it?"  Cisco's heart began pounding fast.  He knew now where Zoom was heading.  He shook his head.  "No..  I'm not going to kill her.  I can't..  I won't.."  Zoom raised his eye.  "So then..  You lied to her.  You said you'd do whatever it took to prevent her from becoming Killer Frost.  That is the only way Vibe.  I'll tell you what, I will give you two choices.  You kill Caitlin, save her from becoming the thing she fears most..  Or.."  He uses his speed grabbing a hold of Caitlin.  "You have the choice of either killing Caitlin..  Or killing her mother..  To prove to her who you truly are, that you aren't truly the person she thought you were.  And to prove to me, I can count on you to always be on my side.  Or..  If you can't choose between killing Caitlin or her mother?  I will kill her for you.."  Zoom raised his hand slightly letting it start to vibrate as he moved it closer towards Caitlin's chest.  "No!"  Cisco yelled.

Caitlin closed her eyes.  "It's okay Cisco.."  She said quietly.  "How touching.."  Zoom sneered.  Zoom kept his eye on Cisco waiting for him to choose which he was going to do.  "Tick tock Vibe, time is wasting."  He let his hand start to vibrate a little faster to speed up Cisco's decision.  "I know how much you care for her.  So if you were to choose to kill Caitlin to save her from her misery, I know that you would make it a quick and painless death.  However..  I am afraid that I can't say the same for me."  Cisco watched as Zoom's hand moved closer to Caitlin's chest shoving his hand in so he would be able to shock her.  "NO!"  He yelled.  He extended his uninjured hand towards Carla's direction, not thinking twice what he was doing before sending a shock towards her that he knew would kill her.  He cringed when he heard Caitlin scream as Carla slumped to the ground.

Cisco then quickly turned to Zoom, who still had his hand at the ready to send bolts into Caitlin that would kill her.  "I did as you asked!  Now let her go!"  He yelled again.  He could see a hint of anger appear in Caitlin's face as she glanced back at Cisco.  Even Zoom was a bit shocked that Cisco would go against what he stood for to kill for Caitlin.  He was certain he wouldn't follow through with it.  Zoom let out a small laugh.  "Such a shame.  I was hoping that you would choose the correct answer.  It looks like you wouldn't do whatever it takes to save her after all.  However, I have no problem in doing so."  Cisco watched as Caitlin's eyes grew wide.  Cisco extended his hand towards Zoom and sent a sonic blast to blast him back and make him hit the back of the wall hard.  He quickly went to grab Caitlin.  "Get out of here!"  Caitlin quickly struggled to loosen her grip from Cisco giving him a glare.  "Let go of me!"  She hissed.  Cisco didn't need to tell her twice, she exited the building taking off at a run.

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