Chapter 19: Evolution of Caitlin Snow

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Hearing the sound of the alarm, Cisco quickly turned around to focus the camera screen.  But unfortunately they had all been blank screen.  "Damn it!  Barry!"  He barely had to shout Barry's name when he watched the familiar red streak rush past him and to the pipelines.  "Cisco!  Caitlin's on the loose!  Vibe is knocked out in the pipelines.  You deal with him and I'll find Caitlin!"  Barry said quickly into the earpiece.  Cisco grew very nervous.  He wanted to go help Barry with Caitlin as he knew he was one of the few who could get through to her.  Cisco made his way down to the pipeline and placed his doppleganger in the prison while Barry had gone after Caitlin.

After awhile, Vibe slowly began to stir awake.  Once his vision cleared, he realized where he was and quickly stood up spotting Cisco his doppleganger watching him.  "Let me out of here!"  He glared.  Cisco laughed.  "After what you did?"  Vibe slammed his fiats into the glass just as Caitlin done.  "You don't understand!  You don't know what's going to happen!  I need to get out there and help her!  And I'm the only one who can prevent, who can help her!"

Cisco glared.  "Why should I believe a word you say?  She wouldn't of been in danger if you didn't let her go in the first place."  "Just..  Just please let me explain!  If you care for Caitlin at all..."  Cisco watches his doppleganger closely and took a deep breath.  "Alright.  You have a few minutes."  After Vibe had explained to Cisco what he saw in his vision, it didn't take long for Cisco to change his mind and he opened the door for Vibe to exit.  Cisco quickly grabbed Vibe's arm.  "If you try to pull anything."  Cisco warned.  Vibe rolled his eyes.  "The longer we stand here, the more Caitlin will be in danger."

Cisco let go of Vibe's arm and the two exited out of the pipeline and out of the building to search for Barry and Caitlin.   Hoping that they weren't already too late.  As Vibe and Cisco reached the location, he stalled his steps noticing what was going on.  He closed his eyes as he heard his doppleganger yelling for Caitlin.  Caitlin turned around being distracted slightly.  You don't have to do this."  Cisco said slowly approaching her. 

"You don't know anything!  I need to do this!  Because of him my mom is dead!  He kidnapped me!"  Cisco slowly approached closer.  "Don't you see?  This is what he wants from you!  He did all those things because he knew it would push you to try and kill him.  Because he knew that with this killing it would drive you to become Killer Frost!  Don't give him what he wants!"  Caitlin was ready to speak when she gasped feeling Zoom's grip around her, feeling his arm wrap around her throat to make her lose some air.  "Well.  I think..  I have a new plan.."  Zoom smirked as he had stepped up behind Caitlin while the dopplegangers had her distracted.

Both Cisco and Vibe looked wide eyed staying still as they didn't want to put Caitlin in any more danger that she already was.  "You know.  This really is all touching now isn't it?"  Zoom was too caught up in the love triangle of the two dopplegangers and Caitlin to realize that Barry was approaching him.  Cisco and Vibe looked at him confused.  "Perhaps I should see which of you love her the most?  Or which Cisco..  She loves the most."  Zoom smirked.  "It has really been quite an entertaining show really.  Vibe who is pining over her doppleganger, the one whom I killed and he couldn't save, so he chose to come here to earth one and go after her doppleganger.  However, I am very certain that it is a similar situation here am I right Franseeesco?"  He asked turning to earth one's Cisco.

Cisco gave him a glare.  "Don't touch her!"  He hissed.  Zoom laughed.  "Then there is you, Cisco of earth one.  Who has always loved Caitlin, but was always the last resort."  Caitlin struggled against Zoom's grip.  "Don't listen to him!"  "Oh..  But you know I am right.  You dragged this poor boy along..  You chose Ronnie..  And after he died his tragic death, you went to Barry for comfort."  Barry managed to use his speed to get a grip on Zoom to loosen his grip on Caitlin but Zoom was quick to bounce back and managed to grab Caitlin again before she fell to the ground.  "And then.. I came along..." Caitlin turned a little pale.  "You're twisted!  I have never.."  Zoom laughed even more.  "No?  Because I am pretty sure you have.."  He allowed his grip to loosen enough so he could take off his mask to reveal who he was.  Cisco gasped and immediately lifted his hands to his temples to massage them feeling a headache coming on.  "I should have known.."  He muttered.  "I played the part very well.  It was why I have always been one step ahead of you guys.  How does it feel to always come in last Cisco?"  He asked earth one's doppleganger.  "You should have spoken up faster.  But you were afraid to lose Caitlin as a friend forever, if things didn't work out.  And then you not only lost her to Ronnie, and Barry, but you have also lost her to me..  You're worst enemy..."

Caitlin had managed to loosen her grip as Zoom/Jay was busy speaking, but he managed to grip her tighter.  "Such a shame now that you will never get that chance.."  Jay said lifting his hand and letting it start to vibrate.  "No!"  Vibe yelled as he watched Jay's hand reach towards Caitlin's chest to shock her.  Zoom smirked.  "You think that you can beat me.  But you can't.."  Suddenly Caitlin felt herself fly backwards as Vibe sent a shockwave towards Zoom to make him let go of Caitlin.  He then quickly went to help her up and surprisingly Caitlin allowed him to help her.  He pulled her close to him glancing at her, his hands resting on either sides of her waist.  "Are you alright?"  He asked.  Caitlin was shaking a little bit from nerves but nodded.  "I'm..  I'm fine.."  She whispered.  Vibe was ready to lean in for a hug when he felt himself being pulled away from her and was now the one being held in one hand by Zoom while Cisco was being held up by the other.

Caitlin looked at them in terror.  "Wait!"  She extended her hand slightly to stop him.  Zoom watched Caitlin closely.  "I'd be careful of what you do Frosty.  If you even so dare try to hit me, one of these Cisco's..  Maybe both..  Will most certainly be hurt.  And that will be all on you.."  Caitlin took a deep breath studying Zoom's movements.  She was sure that she could figure out a way to trick him.  "Let them both go.."  Zoom raises his eye.  "Really?  I would've assumed that this would be the obvious choice.  I mean..  After all..  Vibe is the one who killed your mother.."  Caitlin glared at him.  "Because you gave him no choice."  Caitlin suddenly noticed the familiar red streak that was Barry who managed to grab both Cisco and Vibe out of the way.  Zoom looked momentarily confused not expecting such actions.  "Now Caitlin!"  Barry yelled.

Caitlin turned her head slightly in time to see Zoom speeding towards her.  His hand began vibrating as he was inches from her.  Caitlin, feeling rather scared, had managed to send a blast of snow towards him sending him flying backwards then slowly approached closer to him smirking.  "Goodbye Jay.."  She said using his name he used to cover up who he really had been.  She extended her hand letting an ice pellet strike Hunter into the chest then began to form some ice around him.  She then turned to the other three.  "Just to be on the safe side."  She winked at them.  "See you later boys.."

"Cait..  Wait!"  She turned slightly to see Vibe approaching her.  "I was..  I was sort of hoping that we could talk.."  Caitlin looked at him a bit hesitant.  "I had done what I did, by agreeing to team up with you to help kill Zoom.  I didn't mention anything about what I would do after.  I don't plan on sticking around.  This isn't exactly my place anymore."  She said glancing at the three of them.  "I need to figure out who I really am.."  With that, before the boys could say any other word, Caitlin took off and they watched her disappear.

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