Chapter 11: Caitlin Snow Versus Killer Frost

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"Please? Can't we go out and get some fresh air? It's been a few days since I've been able to see even some sunlight.. Plus we will have a lot more room out in the open and in the forest?" Caitlin whined after they had been doing the lesson for at least a good hour.

Killer Frost rolled her eyes. "You breechers are all alike. How can anyone even stand your whiny asses? And that is not completely true. You have some sunlight." Killer Frost gave a small wave of her hand motioning the entrance of the cave. Caitlin rolled her eyes in return. "That's not what I meant and you know it." Killer Frost raises her eye. "Well.. Look at that? Look who's finally starting to grow some guts. Maybe I might turn out to like you after all." Killer Frost said giving her doppleganger a small wink. She stayed quiet hesitating a moment. "Fine.. Only because it'll make you stop whining. And I need your word you won't try to escape." Caitlin stared at her doppleganger. "Where would I go? I can't access a breech on my own." Caitlin reminded her. Killer Frost studied Caitlin a moment to make sure she wasn't going to have any tricks up her sleeves. "Good. Because if I screw this up.. I'm as good as dead. We both are. And I am sure you don't want that right?" Caitlin nodded. Once she saw she had Caitlin's word, Killer Frost extended her hand making an icey spiral staircase leading from the top of the cave down to the ground. Killer Frost smirked brushing past Caitlin then turned slightly to face her. "Careful. Don't slip and fall on your ass on the way down." She laughed giving her doppleganger a small wink before starting to make her way down to the ground.

Once Caitlin was on the ground standing next to Killer Frost, the two of them started down the path to a place Killer Frost knew they could practice and wouldn't be interrupted. "So.. What do we do next?" Caitlin asked once Killer Frost had stopped in a small open meadow of the forest. Killer Frost turned and raised her eye. "You really don't know much do you kid? You're pathetic. Powers are triggered off of emotions. Any emotions, happiness, sadness. But the one that gives us the most strength?" She grinned a little stepping close to her doppleganger. "Is anger.. Now.." Killer Frost began to circle around Caitlin to try and make her nervous enough for her next tactic to work. "Now? We just have to see what it is.. That makes you tick."

Caitlin watched Killer Frost closely taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. She obviously knew that Killer Frost wouldn't kill her. As she knew she'd be in big trouble by Zoom if she did. That was the only thing Caitlin knew was keeping her alive. As she closed her eyes, Caitlin concentrated on some memories. Most of them were of Ronnie. But the strongest one she remembered, was shortly after the explosion. And doctor Wells, or whom they thought was doctor Wells at the time, had found Barry Allen. Who had also been affected by the explosion. Ronnie hadn't made it. But Barry Allen had. Ronnie had to die, for Barry to survive. And she was mad at Barry, for that reason. As those memories and thoughts came back to her, she could feel something start to surface inside her. She felt her body temperature drop immensely before some ice particles began to perform in her hands. Killer Frost gave a small smirk watching. Feeling the ice particles forming, Caitlin flung her eyes open and let out a small gasp. "Very impressive..." Killer Frost said watching Caitlin. "Now.. Let that anger go.. Let the darkness in.." She stepped back in time to see Caitlin's eyes begin to flicker to blue, then extending her hands and sending a blast of snow towards a tree that she had been standing in front of.

Killer Frost watched amused as Caitlin had released the blast of snow. Only the first few hours of work, and she had succeeded rather quickly. Now she could see what Zoom was seeing, and Killer Frost suddenly grew fairly jealous. It was possible that her doppleganger was even more powerful than her. And she didn't even want her powers. "Out of curiosity.. What memory did you choose?" She wanted to see if it had been the same one as her or something completely different.

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