Chapter 6: Feels Like Old Times

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"Frost doesn't know right?"  Ronnie asked watching Cisco.  Cisco shook his head.  "No, of course she doesn't.  I wouldn't allow myself to put her through that.  She has already lost so much."  Ronnie raises his eye. "Yet you were more than willing to tell her her fate?"  Cisco sighed.  "I told you Deathstorm.  I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.  Besides.  I didn't exactly willingly tell her.  It is never good to find out one's future.  I gave her a warning.  Hoping she would take it to keep alert and stay safe.  But she was persistent in asking me." 

Ronnie gave a small smirk.  "Persistent she is at that..  Sometimes she's not all cold hearted.  As she can have quite a hothead herself.  Even sometimes I can't persuade her when she gets that stubborn."  Cisco looks surprised.  "Really?  I would have assumed you were the one person she would always listen to."  Ronnie shook his head.  "Nope.. Not always.  Besides.  There was a long time ago actually, I brought up of leaving Central City, the first time I came back after the particle explosion.  And she was bent on staying, because she couldn't leave her work or her friends.  Even if it meant starting a new life with me.  She wanted to stay here." 

"Well, I am glad that that was one time she didn't listen to you."  Cisco grinned.  "I would've missed her.  I would have missed both of you.  You two are really the only friends I had at the time besides Barry."  Ronnie grinned a little.  "Us three did always seem to have interesting times when we were together."  Cisco gave a small smile as some of the old memories began to kick in again that he had buried deep down to try and forget.  "Like that one time we had that food fight at Big Belly Burger?  I am quite surprised we didn't get completely kicked out of that place."  Cisco laughed.  "Well that was your fault.  You called Caitlin stubborn."  Ronnie gave a small smirk growing quiet a moment.

"It would be nice to go back to those days..  Things were simpler then..  And..  I almost feel like it's my fault things happened.."  Cisco glanced over at Ronnie confused a moment.  "What do you mean?"  Ronnie fidgeted a little.  "Zoom needed Caitlin to become Killer Frost.  And he knew that Caitlin would follow me no questions asked.  I fell for Zoom's words of becoming this other person I am today.   And as he predicted Caitlin followed behind me."  "That wasn't your fault.  Zoom is a mastermind and he can trick anybody.  If it's anybody's fault it is mine.  I saw the whole thing coming in my vision.  And I didn't say anything..  Because I had been hoping that if Caitlin saw you become somebody different, somebody dark, she would change her mind about you.  And I would be able to be there to pick up the pieces."  Cisco bit his lip.  He probably shouldn't of said such things when they were finally getting along.

"And now I wish I would have.  Because it would have stopped you from becoming Deathstorm and from Caitlin becoming a killer.  And I didn't want that for her.  He managed to turn the three of us against each other.  Which was what he wanted."

Ronnie stayed quiet trying to think.  "But you no longer work for him right?"  He asked glancing at Cisco.  Cisco shook his head.  "I made some excuse shortly after I saw the vision, with Caitlin.  I did help him open the breech to earth one, because I feared if I didn't Caitlin would be in trouble either way.  He doesn't know, how much I care for her, he still doesn't.  But I was afraid he would figure it out, and that she would be placed in even more danger.  All I can do is hope I can stop him before he gets to her.  And it will help knowing that you're there to protect her."

"I think we can save her.  If your connections from him are completely broken off, we might be able to figure out a way to trick him, and hopefully be able to save hers and mine future."  "The only thing would be getting Caitlin to play along."  Ronnie grinned.  "Just leave that part up to me..."

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