Chapter 16: Falling Off the Deep End

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As Cisco could hear the familiar noise of the alert system sounding, he glanced over at the computer to see where the location was.  "Ah Barry.."  "On it!"  Barry yelled.  Cisco rolled his eyes slightly watching Barry speed off towards the location.  He suddenly began to grow worried as he could hear who Barry was speaking to.  Caitlin.. 

Caitlin turned around hearing her name being slightly distracted from the person she was ready to kill when she heard Barry's voice calling her.  She gave a small smirk.  "It's about time that you showed up."  Caitlin made a small glance around.  "Where's your sidekick?  It's a shame he didn't come with you.. I was hoping he and I could have a little chat.."  Caitlin said in a cool voice.  "Caitlin..  Let's.."  But Barry was cut off as he had to dodge one of Caitlin's ice streaks that she had pelted towards his direction.  He glanced back up only to see her advancing towards his direction.  "Actually..  I prefer the name..  Killer Frost.."  She extended her hand again to send another streak towards Barry.

Cisco listened in the intercom rather nervously.  Barry was going to need his help.  He grabbed what he would need then began to make an exit when he heard a familiar voice in the background.  "Caitlin don't!"  Cisco stalled then turned quickly back to the computer, shifting the cameras to the address.  Vibe..  Of course!  That explains it!  Cisco thought as everything from earlier with Caitlin's behavior was coming together.  He had to get to the site and fast.  Unfortunately for him, he didn't have Barry's speed.

Caitlin turned her direction towards Vibe.  "Why shouldn't I?  Isn't this what you and Zoom wanted in the first place?  For me to become exactly like her?"  She then quickly turned around back to the other person whom she had captive earlier when Barry had distracted her.  He knew he should've run, but he was too shocked, and too much in fear to move.  As he saw that Caitlin was making her way back towards him, he began to take of at a run in fear, but it was too late.  Caitlin was much quicker, and she had managed to form a box of ice around the man letting out a small laugh watching in amusement as the fear shown in his eyes, and she could hear him screaming.  Vibe closed his eyes watching the scene.  It was almost exactly how it happened on earth two.

"No..  Of course not.."  Vibe finally spoke.  "I've been trying to protect you!"  Caitlin stayed silent a moment letting out a small laugh.  "You're doing a rather pathetic job of it.  Zoom was right.  Wasting all that good power.  When you could join me, and we could do great things together.  We could become Gods..."  Caitlin tilted her head realizing what she said.  "Well..  God and goddess."  She said in an amused tone.  "Weren't those exact words that you said to my doppleganger?"  Caitlin stepped closer to Vibe giving him a small smirk.  "And how did that go for you?  Where is she now?..."  Vibe gave Caitlin a cold glare back, feeling the anger boiling inside him at her words, he extended his hand to send her flying backwards.  "Cait!"  Cisco called out after he had reached the location in time to see what was happening.  Vibe turned to see his doppleganger and extended his hand to send a shockwave towards him as well and sent him flying backwards before advancing on Caitlin.  Caitlin slowly looked up as she tried to regain her composure from the hit.  "Don't you dare..  Speak of her.."  Vibe warned.  "Or I could do a whole lot worse to you.."  He hissed so only the two of them could hear.  Caitlin gave a small smirk as she kept her watch on him.  "But you won't..  Will you Vibe..  Because I am her doppleganger after all.  You care about her.  You care about me.  You kissed me after all.." Feeling a little more energy coming back to her from the blast she slowly stood up so she was standing only inches away from Vibe.  "Just think..  We could be unstoppable, if you chose not to be so pathetic."  She let her hand rest on Cisco's arm.  Vibe shivered feeling the coldness.

"I"m not going to let what happened to her happen to you..  It's not too late to fix this.."  He could suddenly see a disappointed look to Caitlin's face.  "Such a shame..  We could have done great things together."  She said in a cool voice.  "As it may be..  I can't allow people to get in my way of what I want.."  She slowly let ice begin to form once again around the small portion of Vibe's skin she was touching.  Vibe let out a low growl and tried to pull back but felt Caitlin's other arm wrap around his neck and pulling him towards her.  He tried to send another blast towards her but the ice forming on his arm was slowing his powers.  "Tell me..  How is this for one last kiss goodbye.."  She smirked before she began to lean in to give Vibe the kiss of death.

Before Caitlin's lips could touch Cisco's, she felt another sonic blast towards her making her fly backwards and hitting hard against the building she threw into before falling onto the ground knocked out.  Vibe chose to ignore the pain of the frostbite on his arm as he rushed towards Caitlin watching her crash onto the ground.  He knelt down next to her gently placing his one hand on her arm before looking up at his doppleganger and Barry.  "We need to get her back to Star labs..  Take her to the pipeline to sleep it off for now..  It will bide us time to come up with some kind of plan." He stepped back so Barry could speed off and take her back to the lab.

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