Chapter 15: Desicions and Consequences

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Cisco sighed a little as he watched seeing Caitlin get away.  But the comfort didn't last too long before he felt himself being quickly slammed against the wall.  "You weren't supposed to let her get away!"  Zoom hissed.  Cisco glared doing his best to shove him off.  "You gave me the deal.  Killing her mother or killing Caitlin.  I chose killing her mother.  Because I'd rather have her hating me for the rest of my life then having her turned into the monster you want her to be!"  Cisco growled. 

Zoom watches CIsco letting out a small laugh.  "You don't get it do you.... Vibe..  You think you're more powerful than me?  Because you can see the future and you think you can stop me?  But you're not.  You can't.  How many visions have you had already, yet managed to fail to keep them from coming true?  You don't get it."  Zoom said again.  "You played right into my hands.  I gave you that choice because I knew you wouldn't be able to kill your one reason for living, the one person you love.  And I knew, that anger of her watching someone she thought she could trust kill someone she once cared for, would give her just enough drive to send her over that edge."

Cisco gave Zoom a cold glare giving him a hard shove.  "Leave..  Caitlin alone."  "You're forgetting Vibe.  You're on earth one.  This isn't your Caitlin!"  Zoom said emphasizing the word your.  "I don't care..  I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.  She's gone through enough."  "Ah..  But the question is.  After what you did, will she allow you to even be near her?  Will she even allow you to protect her?" 

After Cisco of earth one had managed to wake up, he looked slightly dazed a moment and couldn't remember what happened.  Someone had definitely done a good job of knocking him out.  Feeling the pain from where the object struck him, he let out a small groan and lifted his hand rubbing the back of his head.  There's definitely a bump.  He was going to have to go to Star labs and get it checked out.  He was sure Caitlin would be able to help patch him up.

As he reached Star labs, Cisco looked a little surprised to see Caitlin curled up in a ball on the floor.  Curled up in the corner, crying.  He quickly rushed over to her kneeling next to her.  "Cait."  He gently placed his hand on her shoulder looking extremely worried.  "Cait hey..  What happened?"  Caitlin looked up at Cisco confused a moment.  She could see that this was the real Cisco, her Cisco.  But she had already been fooled once and she couldn't take a chance.  "Get away from me!"  She extended her hand to shove him off but instead a small patch of ice formed around his skin freezing the small portion of skin.  Cisco quickly jolted back hissing a bit not necessarily meaning to.  "Cait!  It's just me!" 

"P.... Please get away Cisco."  Caitlin whispered.  CIsco watched Caitlin with worry.  "Hey.  What's wrong?"  Caitlin could only glare at him.  "I said get away!  Don't make me hurt you!"  Cisco looked a little taken aback but decided it was best to do as Caitlin asked.  Hopefully once she calmed down she would be able to explain to him what was going on.

After Vibe had managed to escape from Zoom, he made his way to the only place that Caitlin might possibly be, Star labs.  As he spotted Caitlin curled up in the corner he quickly rushed to her.  "Caitlin.  I'm..  I'm so sorry."  He whispered. "I.  I had to do it.  Because I couldn't kill you.  And I knew that I didn't choose either of you, he would kill you to get back at me."  Vibe quickly explained before Caitlin could stop him.

"You should have found a way to save her!  I could've taken care of myself it hasn't been the first time I've been kidnapped!  You used the excuse that you wouldn't think I'd be as angry with you with killing my mom because we had never been very close but that didn't mean I wanted her dead!"  Vibe took a deep breath and closed his eyes to try and keep calm.  "Caitlin..."  "I told you I want you to go away!"  Vibe decided it was best to let her have time to herself and made a quick exit back out of the lab.

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