Chapter 2: Memories

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"Cisco..  I don't know that I can do this.."  Cisco glanced over at Caitlin.  He took a few steps closer to her and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.  "Yes you can Caitlin.  I know you can.  And so does Barry.  You just have to believe in yourself too."

Caitlin still looked hesitant hearing Cisco's words.  "Barry needs you right now.  I would help if I could but unfortunately my powers have been blocked for now."  Caitlin nodded.  "Alright."  She quickly makes her exit out of the lab and to the location where Barry was helping fighting the meta.  "Just try not to let him get too close to you, or he can block your powers as well.."  Cisco reminded her. 

"Barry..  You need to hang in there.  Caitlin will be on her way shortly!"  He yelled at Barry to keep him awake till Caitlin could get to him.  "Hey!..  Let him go!"  Caitlin yelled as she finally made the location to see the meta had a death grip hold of Barry.  Caitlin flung her hand forward to create an icicle towards the metas neck, being careful, she was focused enough so it wouldn't hit Barry and hurt him in the process.

As she used more of her powers to make the meta weak, she could feel her powers getting stronger and taking control over her more then she wanted them to.  She smirked a bit approaching closer to the meta seeing they were in pain.  "Don't worry.  I'll play nice and make it a quick and painless death.  I am not that cold hearted yet after all."  She laughed at her pun allowing herself to get lost in the power for a moment.

"Caitlin stop!  This isn't you!"  Barry yelled realizing Caitlin was starting to lose herself.  Caitlin quickly turned her head getting sidetracked at Barry's words.  "Isn't it?  Maybe this has been always who I have been all along.."  Caitlin extended her hands so she could send a blast of snow towards the meta and Barry.  The only thing that had saved Barry was the fact that the meta managed to turn in time and miss the blast of snow, getting distracted enough for him to loosen his grip on Barry.  Barry quickly stood up to try and stop both Caitlin and the meta.  But unfortunately, now the meta had been able to block his powers as well from one simple touch.  All he could do now was figure out a way to get his powers back from the meta before Caitlin killed him, and try to figure out a way to bring Caitlin out of her darkness before she killed the meta.

"Caitlin wait!  Focus!  Please!  You're a lot stronger than this!"  Cisco's voice came into the earpieces.  "I'm sorry Cisco:  I've tried.  But..  I can no longer keep her inside.  After all..  I can't keep the darkness in now can I?" 

"Freeze!"  She heard a voice say from behind her.  Caitlin laughed turning around to face the police officer.  "Funny.... I was about to say the same to you."  She flung her hand allowing an ice streak to appear and fling out of her hand to hit the man on the neck, then made an ice cube appear around the man to freeze him.

Caitlin laughed as she watched the terror form on the man's face as he realized he was dying.  "As much fun as that was.."  Caitlin pivoted her foot to send an ice streak once again towards the meta.  "Caitlin stop!"  Barry yelled again, running in front of the path of the ice streak as best he could to block it from the meta.  He grunts a little collapsing to the ground as it managed to graze his back leg.  As Barry was a lot slower runner without his speed.

Cisco closed his eyes a moment hearing the commotion, taking a deep breath.  "Caitlin.."  He muttered.  As Caitlin saw Barry fall onto the ground, this brought her back momentarily.  She quickly rushed over to Barry and knelt down beside him to see that he was okay.  "Barry!.."  Barry managed to be able to turn slightly to face her.  "Caitlin, you need to leave now.."  Barry said, worried the cops were going to be able to get after her and take her in.  "I need to get you back to the lab."  She whispered so the officers approaching them couldn't hear the conversation.  "I'll be fine.  Run.."  Caitlin glanced up to see the officers were now circling them to trap them, and the meta had now managed to escape. 

Caitlin stood up with a small smirk on her face getting an idea.  She extended her hand before turning around in a circle to send a blast of snow to block the officer's views.  She managed to get Barry out of the way, but knew it would only be a matter of time before she would try to go in for the kill again.  "You have to get out of here..  I'm not sure how long I can keep this up.  I don't want to hurt you anymore then I did.."  She muttered quietly.  Barry glanced at her.  "Caitlin.  You know you can fight it.  You're one of the strongest.  If not..  The strongest person I know.."  Caitlin's eyes suddenly began to flicker hearing those words.  Battling with herself once again who..  Of which of her egos she truly was.  She didn't want to hurt anyone, like she hurt the police officers.  Or like when she killed the one officer.  Or worse.  Hurt Barry.  But it was his own fault. He wa the one who had to jump in front of the path when you were trying to help take out the meta.  Killer Frost said into her mind, just when she had finally thought she could push her back from her mind.

"Caitlin Snow no longer exists."  She smirks as her eyes completely flicker to blue.  She was ready to extend another streak towards Barry when she heard a familiar voice from behind her.  "Caitlin!..."

Killer Frost jumped a moment as she heard Ronnie call her name and then grab her arm a few moments later.  "Caitlin!  I said come on!"  He growled, not realizing he used her old name instead of her new one.  She only gave Ronnie a glare at him using Caitlin.  This was what brought her back to the present.  "We need to go!.."  As she felt Ronnie wrap his arms around her and make an exit, she noticed the policemen surrounding them.  They had just barely managed to escape.  The last thing she was able to remember, was she saw one of the policemen rushing after them to stop them from escaping with the bag of cash, and she was ready to go in for the kill when she had suddenly blanked out.

Once Ronnie had arrived back at their warehouse with her, and landed on the ground, he let Caitlin go and gave her a worried look.  "What was that back there!?"  Caitlin watched him closely.  She couldn't tell if he was angry that she almost ruined their heist..  Or that he was worried that she blanked.

Caitlin shook her head.  "It was nothing..."  Ronnie crossed his arms across his chest.  Worry..  She thought, letting out a small sight to see he wasn't angry.  "That wasn't nothing Frost!  Now, what's going on?"

A KillerVibe Fanfic: A Frozen VibeWhere stories live. Discover now