Things Change

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Oh my God. That did NOT just happen. "It happened. Oh my God, that JUST HAPPENED!!" I was holding a squealing session in my head. Corey Haim, the hottest guy I know, just kissed ME. Me, the non famous, non popular, frankly nerdy, me! I wanted to run after him, to shout to him how I felt. I ran to the window behind the couch. I was too late. They were already pulling out the driveway. I had time to quickly wave to them before the car went behind some trees. I couldn't believe what just happened! "Is THAT what he meant by 'talk about our friendship'? Did he know I liked him like that?" That doesn't matter. He liked me! Now, all I have to do is tell him how I feel, and boom! We can be a couple. . . .  "But. . . California is all the way by Mexico. . . and I'm all the way by Canada. . . ." Why? Why did my brain have to go and ruin the best (and now worst) day of my life?!?! It'll be too hard to be in a relationship with Corey! Instantly, my overwhelming joy turned into overwhelming sadness. I went to my room and closed the door. I looked at the valentine again. "I wonder how long he's liked me. . . ." I thought about calling him, but he probably wasn't at the hotel right now. They had just left about two minutes ago. "No! You can't back down now! He likes you! You NEED to know the answers to the questions you have! Call him, call him RIGHT NOW." For once, I decided to listen to my brain's in-the-moment decision and was about to turn the dial when I realized. . . .
"I don't have his number." I yawned as I answered mom's question of why I haven't called Corey the next day.
"You have his Cali number, at least. And this is his last day here, so you don't have a lot of time to call him, anyways. Even if you DID have his hotel's number. So, I'd say we just go over sometime." Mom said as gathered things for her new job. It was seven in the morning, but I couldn't sleep. When you move into a new house, you hear ALL the creaks, all the creepy little sounds the house makes, and your brain goes wild!
"Really? You would do that?" Her statement shook me somewhat out of my sleepy state.
"He IS your best friend, isn't he?"
"Yeah!" My brain added, "You could say MORE than a friend, now!"
"Well. . . . When I come back from work, maybe we can go visit him."
"Sounds like a plan and a half!" I went to go get dressed. I wasn't going to be able to sleep at all now! I was too excited! I stopped when I realized that we could talk easier if he came here. "Mom!" I shouted, "Do you think he could actually come here again?"
"Sure, honey! But l'll still have to go to their hotel to pick him up!"
I was REALLY excited now! I could show him the secret space. It could be our little spot, were we could go and be alone. I still hadn't changed out of my pajamas, I was too distracted for that. I sat on the bed, pulled the blankets over me, and FINALLY went sleep at about seven thirty. When I woke up, it was about twelve thirty. "Great, five hours of sleep! NOT gonna feel that today!" On the bright side, Corey could come over! I was suddenly shaken out of my sleepy state and went to take a shower. When I got out, there was a certain someone in my room. . . .
"Oh umm. . . . Hi! I ahh. . . ." He raked his hand through his hair, his face red seeing that I had nothing but a short, flimsy towel on.
My face started to burn, too. I held my towel tighter. Trying to cover up my embarrassment, I smiled and stated, "I wasn't expecting company! You should really shout something when you come in the door! Like, 'Corey in the house!'" "At least, I wasn't expecting you NOW. Mom doesn't get off of work until six!"
That got him to chuckle. "You're so. . ." he hesitated, looking like he was debating on saying something, ". . .weird!"
I smiled. "I know haha! Now get out of here! I have to change!"
His face, which was just starting to look normal, turned red again. "Oh. . . yeah. Sorry." He stepped out.
"Corey! Wait!" Woah. I needed to change before my brain made this even MORE awkward! I started to get dressed. I put on a pair of jean shorts and my red crop top. When I opened the door, Corey was right there.
"You weirdo! Were you there the whole time?!?!"
"No! I just happened to be here when you came out, dummy!"
"I know haha!" We needed to go someplace where we could talk. . . . Alone.
"Killing it?" He asked, reading my shirt.
I gave him my best (which means my ugliest) Victoria's Secret pose and said, "You know it!"
"Hahahaha!" He was laughing unusually hard.
"Did I. . . . KILL you?"
He nodded, out of breath. When he finally calmed down, I asked him if he wanted to see the secret spot.
"A 'secret spot'?"
"That's what I said!"
He gave me a mischievous smile. "Lead me to your. . . 'secret spot.'"

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