House Call

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"I have the keys honey. Just give me a minute and I'll come unlock the door." Mom grabbed her bag and walked over to unlock the door. I practically ran inside while scoping out the house. The living room was connected with the dining room, the dining room connected to the kitchen, and the kitchen connected to the hallway. At the far end of the hall was a room, MY room. Everyone else piled in after me.
"I call this one!" My brother squeezed passed me and set his stuff down in MY room.
"What? No! You can't do that I saw it first! Mom! He can't do that!"
"I called dibs before you!" Aaron stuck his tongue out at me.
"I was BORN before you!"
Mom put her hands up. "Calm down. You two, stop fighting! Now, Anna DID call the bedroom first." Wow, she had actually been on MY side this time!
"Mom! It's no fair!" My brother complained.
"Aaron. You can have the room by the bathroom."
"But that one's smaller!"
"They're exactly the same, honey."
"Whatever!" Aaron stomped to his room.
We were all quiet. Aaron ALWAYS had a fit if he didn't get what he wanted. I sighed and tossed my bag on the ground. Here it comes. Three. . . . Two. . . . One. . . .
"What's so important about this room, Anna?" Mom asked. She's SO predictable.
"I. . . .I just. . ." I didn't know. I was drawn to that room.
"Didn't want your brother to have it?"
I gave a disgusted look. "No! Why would I do that?!"
"Okay. . . ." She obviously didn't believe me, which made me crabby.
I kicked my stuff then gave her a look to go.
"What's the matter?"
Ugh, she was making me angry.
I blew up on her. "First, you uprooted me! Second, you blame me for wanting something just so Aaron can't have it, which ISN'T true!" I stomped and sat on my bag.
She scowled at me, but left to find their room. I closed the door, sat on my bag and cried. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe. When I was finally done crying, I heard a knock on my door.
"Sweet Pea? Can I come in?"
Mom. There was no point NOT to, so I let her in. She didn't say anything. Instead, she wrapped me in her warmth. "I know. I know it's hard, but you'll be okay." She looked at me. "You know, there's someone on the phone for you." She pointed to my own wall phone, smiled and went out of the room. I tried to guess who it was before I answered. It was probably Grandma. She ALWAYS calls to see how we're doing. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I tried to cover up the fact that I'd been crying.
"Got your own phone, huh?" It was Corey. It was Corey! I could sense that he was doing that adorable side smile he always does.
"Umm. . . yeah! One perk of moving, I guess."
"Ha ha. Well, I'm glad to know you're doing better. And thanks for asking me how I'M handling this!"
I laughed. "I don't know. Sounds to me like you're holding up okay."
"Like they say, sounds can be deceiving."
"What? Corey, you're such a nerd, ha ha! No one says that!" He always found a way to make me feel better.
"Well, they should. Because you sound fine, but I KNOW you've been crying."
I sighed. Stupid best friend radar! "Weirdo! How did you know?"
"I had that feeling I get when you're crying. And you know it's NEVER wrong, so I decided to call you."
"Aww. You're BFF radar's still working, I guess. And mine says you haven't been great either."
"Aww!" He mocked me. "How'd you know?"
"Shut Up! Now, tell me EVERYTHING."
"You've only been gone a day, so nothing much has happened. . . . But I have a crap ton of girls who are trying to take your place."
I suddenly got really protective. "What?! Okay SO not going to happen, right?"
"No!" He sounded disgusted, "No one will EVER take your place! And they're all creeping me out a little. Oh come back! Please! I need you! Anna, SAVE ME!"
I blushed. Why am I being so stupid? "You need me?"
"Umm. . . . To. . . keep the other girls away from me!"
I didn't believe him, but I decided to ignore my instinct. "What's the matter? Baby Corwee can't take care of hisself?" I said in my best baby voice.
He answered back in baby voice, "Not wifout Annie!"
We both laughed. "I wish we could do this ALL night."
He was quiet, meaning he was thinking. "Well, you know we can't do this all night, but we CAN do it EVERY night."
"I like the sound of that!" I said as I smiled.
"I'm glad I made you smile." He said. Man, his instincts were good!
"I'm glad you're glad. Bye."
"Bye." He hung up.
I put the phone back on it's base. "He's hot." I startled myself with the thought. He's my best friend! That's it. . . . Right? "You know that's not it. You know. . ." I needed my brain to shut up. Right now. I got up and walked around the house, trying to get my mind off of Corey.

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