The Beginning of Summer

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My first summer without Corey. This was going to be weird, but I guess I'd make it. I heard about this popular beach in Republic, where all the kids hung out. From what I heard, the beach was their second home during the summer! Luckily it wasn't snowing like the first day, but I thought it was still a little cold for the beach. But wanting to make friends, I put on my bathing suit and went to the beach anyways. Mom dropped me off, and soon I had multiple people looking at me like I was a newly discovered animal. As if I didn't already feel like an outsider, the world made sure I knew I was one.
"Hey. I'm Anna." I said, holding out my hand for a handshake. No one took it.
"I'm Lynn." The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes eyed me up and down, while the others looked at me, at times whispering to one another. "So, where you from? You're too tan to be anywhere from here."
"Actually, I'm from California."
A couple of gasps. "No way! Cali? Why'd you move up here?"
I shrugged. "Parents got a job offer."
Suddenly I was bombarded with questions about Cali.
"Is it really like they say it is in movies?"
"Is it sunny all the time?"
"You really don't get snow, like, ever?"
"Are there palm trees 'round every block?"
"Is everyone rich?"
"Is everyone poor?"
"Did you live across from a celebrity?"
"Do you KNOW any celebrities?"
"Did you live in Hollywood?"
"Did you WANT to live in Hollywood?"
Suddenly Lynn shouted. "Guys! Guys!"
Everyone got quiet.
"Okay, Anna. Talk."
I answered all the questions that I had heard. No, it's not all like the movies. It's not sunny ALL the time, but almost all the time. Yes, we've never gotten snow like, ever. Palm trees are there, but not around EVERY block. No, not everyone's rich. No, not everyone's poor. No, I never lived across from a celebrity. No, I never lived in Hollywood. I wouldn't want to, either. Did I know any celebrities?
"Yeah, I do. He's been in some movies, but not in any real big ones. . . yet."
"Who is he?" Lynn asked.
"His name's Corey Haim."
Someone from the back spoke. "Hey, was he the one in Silver Bullet?"
I shouted back to them. "Yeah! He was the main kid! The one with the Silver Bullet!"
More questions and excited chattering. Maybe summer was going to be okay.
"Well, welcome to Republic." Suddenly, I was fitting in. I listened to the group talk about people they all knew, people they didn't like, and other stuff. When people started to leave, Mom drove up. I walked to her.
"Hey honey. How did it go?"
"They like me!" I said, smiling.
"Oh, by the way, Corey called. He's allowed to come up very soon."
"This day just keeps getting better and better!"

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