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Great, the moving vans were here. "We really ARE staying here? I thought this was just some twisted joke."
"Anna! You'll love it here, trust me." Mom took the ones labeled "Moms things" and walked towards the house. I hoped into the van and dug out the box called "Anna's stuff" and started to walk to the house. I got put my stuff in my room. "Calm down." I told myself, "You're overreacting. Look, look at this room. Does this look like a criminal's room?" I looked around. The room was robin egg blue, with green swirls on the bottom and pink at the top. There was a date on the corner with the names of the people who had painted the room. Heron and Anna. . . .
"Weird, huh?" A familiar voice asked me.
I turned around, "COREY!"
He opened his arms, "That's right, baby!"
I ran over to him and hugged him tight.
"Woah! I know you missed me, but don't kill me! God!"
"Sorry." My face reddened then I let go of him.
"Hey, I'm cute. Guilty as charged, ha ha! So. . ." He looked around, "This is your place, then?"
"Yeah. I was thinking of painting black, you know? I'm planning to go goth on ya."
He side smiled. He's SO CUTE! "I'll be dead when you, the pink obsessed, kind, lovable girl, turns into a cold hearted, hates the sun, goth!"
"So. . . Tuesday then?"
He smiled. "Oh, you're a funny one! So, why don't I help you unpack?" He went over to the box I brought in and started unpacking. He found a valentine and picked it up.
"I remember this. This was the valentine I made you when we were in fifth grade. Those were good times."
I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Yeah. I-I don't know why I kept that haha." "Obviously you do. You like him, stupid!"
"I don't know why I kept yours, either. . . ." At least I wasn't the only one who started to get red. "Probably 'cause it was good for a fifth grader!"
I had to get a grip. This didn't mean anything. . . right? Keeping a stupid valentine from fifth grade was like keeping your first baby pic, right? "No it isn't, stupid." I shook my head. "Cause we're weird."
"I guess so." He dug through the box again. "I remember this too!" He exclaimed as he pulled out an admission ticket.
"Oh yeah. West Side Story. We saw that together. That was great!"
"It was. But, I don't think plays are my thing."
"You don't have to tell me! It seemed like you were going to the bathroom every five minutes!"
He smiled slyly, "I was actually just wandering around the building!"
"What?!? Why didn't you ask me to come with you?!"
"I don't know. Cause it would be like, 'Hey Misses L! Can I sneak by to go to the bathroom? Oh, and can Anna come with me?' That's weird."
"Ha ha! I guess!"
"You're somethin' else!" He pulled me in for another hug. I could've stayed in his arms forever, but he needed to help me move in.

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