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"Umm, don't we need shoes?" Corey stopped letting me pull him.
"I guess those things would be good." I sat down and put on my red converse while Corey was putting on his black converse. "Okay! Let's go biking!" I jumped up and took his hand. He got up, opened the door, and I flew outside, taking him with me.
"Woah, woah! Where's the fire Anna!?!"
I slowed down. "Sorry. I'm just so excited to go biking with you!" I ran to the garage and got my bike out.
"Ooh, that's a nice one!"
"I know, right?" I had gotten a new bike. It was blue, but the handle bars and the wear a tan. It was REALLY cool!
"So, am I riding this one?" He touched the handle bar.
No way. I was riding my new bike! "You get this one." I pulled out a white bike with pink on it. The gear switch didn't work on it, and if you tried to switch gears the chain would sometimes come off, but I didn't tell him. I wanted him to take it!
"What?! But that one's cooler!" He pointed to my new bike.
I shrugged then chuckled. "Sorry. But you get this one!" I shook the bike and smiled.
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Give me the bike." I wheeled his bike over to him then hopped on mine. "You ready?"
I pushed off the ground and rode onto the pavement. "You coming?"
"Yeah." Looks like the seat was a little high for him, because his knees ALMOST touched the handle bars. Almost.
I laughed. "Ha ha!"
"You look uncomfortable!"
He smiled, then tried to be serious. "Is my misery funny to you?" He crinkled his nose.
I crinkled my nose back. "Very!"
"Ooh." He pedaled faster, trying to catch up to me, but I was already at the fire station.
"Hurry up, slow poke!" I teased. When he caught up to me, he pecked me on the cheek.
"Where we going?"
"Just up that road. . . ." I pointed to the road straight ahead of us, road 602.
"Well, lead the way, miss."
I pedaled up the hill, then sped down it, then went up another one. . . . ,And realized Corey wasn't behind me. I stopped and saw him going down the first hill. When he caught up to me, I asked, "What took ya so long?"
"The gear shifter. . . . It doesn't work."
"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you about that. Did the chain pop off?"
"Yes, yes it did."
"Oh. Sorry. Well, it's either that or my brother's bike. And I don't know if you'll fit any of his. You can try, if you want."
"Well, I don't fit this one, either." He got off.
"Well, I can fix that!" I went over to his bike and adjusted the seat.
"If you told me that the seat adjusted, I would've done that myself a LONG time ago!"
"Well, I didn't."
"Well, you shoulda!"
I rolled my eyes. "Come on!" I pushed my pedal and sped down the road.
Corey caught up to me. "How far are we going?"
"I don't know! Maybe just to my Aunt's."
"And how long is that?"
"Three miles, but it's nothing."
"Three MILES?!"
I rolled my eyes. "Stop being so dramatic. It won't kill you!"
Corey tilted his head back, pretending to die. His bike wiggled, so I grabbed the handle bar. "Jeez! Keep playin, dead, you're gonna ACTUALLY be dead!"
He laughed. "Wait. . . . I've never met your aunt."
I smiled. "Well, we'll fix that today!" I rode off, with Corey right behind me. It was a pretty road, it had fields, trees, a lake, a turtle once in a while, and the occasional deer. It was fun, riding bikes. Especially since I got to look at Corey's handsome face! We got some good speed going downhill, so I watched the wind blow through Corey's hair as he laughed while going down a hill. "Ugh, he's SO CUTE!" I smiled.
"Wow." Corey said.
I tilted my head, smiling. "What?"
"I was just. . . . Wow. You look so. . . gorgeous. I mean, the light's hitting your hair in the right way. . . and you're glowing. You're so beautiful. How'd I get you?" He smiled.
I smiled until I realized he was on the wrong side of the road. "Corey! Come here!"
"What? Nothin's gonna happen. . . ." Suddenly a car turned the corner. I was close enough to tackle Corey and get us off the road. Somehow, by some stroke of luck, our bikes were okay. My knees and foot, not so much. When we could speak, Corey whispered, "Shit! How fast was that jerk going?!"
"Oh shit." I rolled off of him. "Are you okay?"
He sighed. "Yeah. You saved my life, dork. Jeez! Are YOU okay?! You're bleeding!"
I looked at my knees. I smiled weakly. "I guess I scraped them up good, huh?" I was almost crying. My foot really hurt. "Don't cry, you big baby! You're fine!" I pulled the foot closer to me. Jeez, it hurt, but it was probably just sprained at worst. "Let's go." I said. I tried to get up, but as soon as I put pressure on the it, I collapsed and gave a yelp of pain mixed with surprise.
"Oh my God! Anna, come here." Corey ran over to me, put my arm around his shoulder, and helped me up. "You can't walk on it all, can you?"
I was scared. What if it was broken? I had never had a broken bone before! "N-no. I can't."
"Here." He picked me up bridal style and put me on my bike. I tried to pedal, but even THAT was hard. I was beginning to be convinced it was broken. "Shit. Corey, I can't. I-I can't pedal. . . ." "Calm down. You'll be fine. You've never broken a bone. Why start now?" I got off and put my weight on the good ankle, the right one.
"No? Oh gosh. Umm. . . . We could walk home, I guess."
"Cor, I can't." My voice broke. I felt helpless and useless, which made me frustrated. I felt sad, and scared, which made me feel more frustrated because I was feeling those emotions.
"No, no, it's okay, it's okay. There's a bungee on this bike, I'm sure we can figure somethin' out."
"So, you can put the blue bike on the cargo carrier thing that's on the back of the other bike and push it. Or something."
"You know what? That's a great idea. Let's give it a try." He put the other bike on the carrier with the bungee wrapped around it and started to push, with my arm around his shoulder. He was trying to support me AND push the bikes. I felt bad.
"I can help you, babe. I could push the bikes, and also use them as a little crutch thing."
"Not with your hurt ankle, you're not."
"The blue bike's gonna fall anyway, so I'll just use that." The blue bike was slipping out of bungee.
"No, it's okay. I got it." He lead me over to the bike as he began fixing the bungee. This time it was more secure.
"Thanks babe." I quickly kissed him on the cheek. "But I can go on the other side and help you."
"I love the fact that you wanna help, but I'm not gonna let you. You're hurt. Come on." He slipped his arm around my waist again and took the bike handle. I put my arm around his shoulder. Maybe I could put a little weight on it, just to give Cor a break. . . . I felt a sharp pain as my weight shifted to my left foot. I jumped back on the right, making Corey sway.
"Anna, what's wrong?"
"Umm. . . nothing." He didn't believe me, but he faced forward.
It took awhile, but we finally got to the house. I had been trying to hold back my tears for so long, I felt like I was going to explode. I was just being over dramatic, right? It's not broken, it can't be broken. . . .

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