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Is it strange that I didn't want him to come back this time?

Is that wrong of me?

Am I a horrible mate?

These were just a few of the questions that raced through my mind as the next few days flew past. However, there were some equally good arguments coming from the other part of my brain- the part that my wolf does not have any control over.

He left of his own free will, you couldn't stop him.

You saw the vision. He kills everyone, even your baby.

The vision will come true, it always does.

Right about now is when my wolf comes along with her:

But why?

All I knew for sure was that I didn't have time to worry about this. I promised the pack that I would stop this sickness before it killed any one else. The only problem is that it is spreading much quickly now. It's more than just Janice, Georgiana and Holden, it's Liam and Cade and Chloe and Ariana and Brody. Almost half the orphanage.

Holly barely left, the once fun loving little sister without a care in the world was now a full on scientist and doctor. She spent every waking moment either tending to the children with Faye and Luna Catherine or studying it for a cure.

I, on the other hand, was too busy trying to get another vision that would help us find a cure as well as attempting- and failing- to get in touch with the other oracles to see if they've seen anything similar to this.

Where could they be?

This constant flow of questions and self-accusations running through my brain is enough to make me want to pull my hair out. Or give up. Or both.

But I knew that neither was an option right now. Now my only choice was to get in touch with the other oracles and receive a vision. Soon too. My promise to the pack wouldn't last long as it is, Holden's on his last leg. We're afraid to let him fall asleep for fear that the sickness would take him.

That's where I am right now, holding his hand and brushing back some of the strawberry blond curls from his sweat dampened forehead. He definitely wouldn't last too much longer. He wants peace.

You can't think like that, Nova, he will live.

Why should he? The others didn't.

You're losing faith. Stay strong, human.

I almost outright laughed at her statement. Why should I stay strong? Why should I when my mate was destined to bring the end of the werewolf race and kill me and my unborn child in the process? Why should I when a disease sweeps through the land that kills children in their sleep? Why should I when it would be so much easier to let someone else?

But then I looked at the little boy in front of me. Holden had woken up for a split second and managed a smile at me before falling back asleep. He was missing his front tooth and his face was still pink from a recent sunburn. A tiny scar rested on his upper arm from an attack that made him an orphan. That's when I realized my efforts were not fruitless.

He represents all of my efforts. All of the children here do. I just need to understand how to stop it. I need to find Ulijana and Kayla before anything else.


The outside air was dark when I stepped out into it. My breath fogged before it left my lips and I rubbed my shoulders, this winter wasn't going down with out a fight. March or not.

I put my clothes in the pile outside the door before shifting. It's been so long since I've gone for a midnight run. I desperately miss the wind in my fur and the cold against my heated body. How did I manage with out it for so long?

The icy air felt better than good and the March snow was providing my usually brownish fur with a white coat. There was snow between my claws as I scratched at the snow and ran and ran and ran.

I will never stop.

Once I reached the top of the tallest hill I saw a shadow that was just barely a darker white than the snow. I had to stop.


We stared at each other for a long moment, neither knowing what to do. Then he howled, long and deep. I joined him. My eyes closed as I sang to the moon. When I opened them-

He was gone again.


Kayla's POV

The world is so dark. Cold as well. How I was able to stand it for so long was a mystery to me.

I've been - where ever I am for months now. I tried to escape at first, but something was draining my strength from me. Slowly. Torture at its fullest. Much worse than anything I could have ever dreamed up.

I never received visions anymore. I was lucky to be able to hear my wolf talk to me, more like whimper now.

The door creaked. I barely moved in the chains that bound me to the wall. Why should I fight it? I don't have the strength. Not anymore.

He came to me and unlocked my chains, not bothering to hold me to keep me from running away as he did. He knew very well that I couldn't go anywhere.

After all but dragging me to the table he roughly threw me there and mockingly told me not to go anywhere while he got his "toys".

Once I wondered what the people in concentration camps felt like. They called them human skeletons after liberating them. I now understand the meaning. I am a human skeleton. He doesn't feed me unless it's necessary, making me go too thin weeks ago and every day he drains all the power from me. I live in constant fear of being decided as useless and no longer worth keeping. All the juice drained of my body.

This must me how the felt.

I can't even warn my fellow oracles of what he tells me every day.

"They're up next."

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