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I stare into the black, endless sky, watching the snow fall gently from the sky. It's my favorite time, just before midnight, when the entire world is at peace. I take deep breaths of the cool, minty winter air before running off into the blackness of the woods surrounding my territory, dodging the trees with the skill of one who's done it a thousand times before.

You have, my wolf reminded me.

What's your point?

I arrive at the pack house just after 1 in the morning, everything is silent and all the lights are off making every shadow more ghostly and dim.

Slipping the oversized T shirt I had left on the back of the chair over my head, I made my way to my bedroom as quiet as I could, falling into a deep sleep that lasted only a few hours.


I bolted straight up in the morning, only receiving a few seconds before the vision set in.

A man is running away from a large, gray and black wolf, it's growling loudly behind him as he runs as fast as he can. He wants to shift because then he can go further, faster but there isn't time. The animal behind him pounces and catches him by the ankle, dragging him to the ground. He shouts for help as the wolf growls in his face, about to bring his teeth around the man's throat-

Once out of the vision, I take deep breaths and call for my brother while blinking rapidly, thankful that this one ended before his death. My eye sight always goes a little haywire after the visions and I can't see for a while. I hear my brother's pounding footsteps as he enters my bedroom and feel the indent next to me on the bed as he sits down.

"What did you see?"

"I saw a man, running from a wolf. The wolf tries to kill him."

My vision begins to clear and I now look at a blurry, yet calm Luke. His too-long blond hair is beginning to come into focus and I can just barely make out the browns from the whites of his eyes.

"Where was this?"

"I think it might have been in our territory, about 5 miles west of the river."

"Do we have a time frame?"

"I know that it was morning, the sun hadn't fully risen yet."

"Then we need to hurry," he glanced at his watch before standing up, I tried to follow his movements but I almost fell over from dizziness," You need to sit down. Come help after you've gotten rest."

I nod and sit on my bed while he rushes out of my room.

As I sit on my bed waiting for my vision to return to normal and going through the vision for any details that might possibly help I realize something.

That wolf looked a whole lot like Luke's.

You need to go after him, my wolf says, now.

I stand up and this time I don't fall. I rush downstairs and out the door, stopping only when I get outside to change.

The change isn't really as painful as it sounds, the sounds of my bones popping, cracking and changing is actually much more disturbing than it is painful. Our kind has built up a tolerance to, what I assume was at one point, an extremely difficult process.

Once I stand on my four legs, I sprint off in the directions that I gave Luke earlier. The wind flows through my brown and amber fur and my ears are pulled back on my head. Then I hear the scream. The same scream for help that I'd seen in my vision.

I push myself faster, knowing that I only have the last mile left but that in that time it takes me to get there my brother's teeth will already be over that man's neck.

That's exactly what I see when I get there. Running as fast as possible, I leap into the air and knock my own body into my brothers sending him off of the man and into the freshly fallen snow.  My brother looks up at me angrily and I stare back down at him, then a tingling feeling starts to go off and I turn around to see the man staring at me.

My wolf is mumbling something incoherent and I change so that I can be face to face with this man, feeling the strong urge to be next to him. Once I've changed the man looks away and takes off his jacket to cover my nudeness, as I'd forgotten a change of clothes in my rush. I took the shirt and covered myself before the man returned his gaze to me. We both take slow, careful steps to each other before we stand face to face. He seems confused and a little scared so I reach up one hand and put it against his cheek, he leans his face into it and looks down at me with stunning, turquoise eyes.

Taking in the man before me, I realized that I hadn't really looked at him in my vision or when I tackled Luke off of him. He is tall, about 4 of 5 inches taller than I am. His skin is tanned and his jaw is a little too narrow to be square, he wears a red T shirt and jeans, his arm muscles bulging slightly against the fabric of the shirt. His feet are bare though. His hair is a medium brown that curls gentle at the ends, it hangs in front of his left eye.

I reach up and brush his hair out of his face and he closes his eyes at my gentle touch, which makes me sad because I had only been trying to get a better look at those eyes. When he puts out one of his own hands to touch me, my brother steps in and grabs me by the waist to take me away from this man.

I struggle against him, but he's always been stronger than me. The man starts to come towards us but is quickly restrained by my father's best friend, the Alpha. My younger sister, Holly, the Luna and the alpha's sons run right behind him and stand in the area near us. I pull harder against my brother's restraints and so does the man against Alpha Jack's.

"What is going on here," Mike, the Alpha's oldest son, says.

"I don't know," Luke shouts at him while trying to keep me in place," Nova had a vision and I went to stop it but then I found this guy running through the territory. I stopped him for questioning and then she tackled me before going all goo-goo eyes over him!"

"Let me go," I shouted at my brother who was increasingly pissing me off," You attacked him!"

"Stop struggling!"

Alpha Jack was staring at us in silence before he glanced at the man he was holding. Then he let out a small smile and released the man's arms. Luke stared at him in disbelief.

"What are you-"

"Let her go, Luke."


"I said, let her go."

Luke released me at the Alpha's request and I went straight to the man who was already coming to me. I put my hand back on his cheek and he put his on my jawline. I caught the Alpha whispering something to Luke, who looked very, very angry, and Luna Catherine holding Holly by the shoulders as they and Mike and Kian watched us, I really didn't care though. I was lost in my own world that rests somewhere deep in those turquoise eyes. I faintly heard the Alpha let out a sigh before he came over to us.

"What's your name," he asked the man. He didn't answer, he just kept looking at me. Alpha Jack gave me a little nudge, causing me to look at him. He gestured for me to ask the man myself.


The man didn't say anything, he simply fixed his gaze onto my lips.

"What's your name?"


My breath hitched at the sound of his voice. It was gentle and calming, it sounded sweet, but not sweet like a girls.

"I'm Nova."

"Tyler, I'm afraid we're going to have to take you into the pack house for questioning."

"What," I said," No, why-"


My eyes immediately widen at my wolf's announcement, however I can't stop the words from following on my lips as well.


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