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Mike's POV

We all went straight to the meadow and sure enough there was Tyler with his fangs out and near a girl's neck. I looked closer and almost lost my lunch.

It was Lacey.

How did he know?

I ran forward a few steps before he hissed in warning. I froze dead in my steps. My father and Kian ran up behind me, careful not to get too close in their haste.

"She's a pretty little thing," Tyler said, smiling down at her from behind, fangs still out," So fragile, from experience I know so sweet."

Kian mutters 'what' from behind me as I narrow my eyes at her neck. Clear. Then I let my eyes travel down to her arms. Nothing. Lastly, her wrists. Her left wrist has 4 perfectly round dots all symmetrical to each other. If she were a wolf, it would be lethal. She's a human. Lacey should be okay.

"Let her go, Tyler. We can talk this through like men."

"But we can't, you see," he dragged a finger along her neck; the place where a mark would go," You still have my mate."

"Nova is not a bargaining chip. You know the prophecy. We can't just hand her over to you."

"I've found someone who can keep that from happening," he shouted with a smile. Is he happy? Excited?? He has my fucking mate basically at gun point!

Fang point.

Shut. Up.

"Who will help you?"

"He's found me."

We all turned to see the very dramatic entrance of a certain red haired witch. Faye stepped out from behind a tree with the last healthy orphan in tow. Zoey, the one with different colored eyes. I remember her parents. Rob and Sue, they died on patrol last year. An attack from the Black Lake pack. It was tragic for all of us.

"Faye, what are you doing," My father asked, taking a few more steps forward but stopping again when Tyler got closer to Lacey's neck.

"I'm giving you what you deserve!"

"What are you talking about, Faye? We've taken care of you, fed you, housed you, clothed you."

"No! No, you didn't. You stuck me in a house in the woods. You put me with the rest of the orphans! You killed my family!"

She looked like she was on fire, her hair wasn't in it's usual braid behind her head and it was in all sorts of swirling waves and curls behind her head. Her eyes were bright with fury at what we did. She looked positively lethal.

Not good.

"They were awful to you. They attacked us. We did what we had to do."

"They were my family and you took them from me! Now," she let out a terrible, horrifying chuckle," Now I'm going to do the same."

"Faye, wait-"

I didn't even have time to finish my sentence before her arms shot into the air and she fell to her knees, her words so fast and incoherent that I couldn't even tell what language it was. Tyler turned to watch her and let go of Lacey who noticed right away.

I ushered her over and she ran into my arms just as Faye's eyes opened, bright and green. Her head turned to us and she pointed one finger at my trembling mate and I before falling flat on her back.

No one dared to move until we saw a shadow come out from behind a tree. Another traitor. Her dark head walked over to the witch lying on the cleared spot on the snow covered ground. Lacey ducked her head to hide it in my chest and I put my hand on top of her head.

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