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Nova's POV

"I object to the challenge!"

The words came out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop them. All I could really process upon hearing the Alpha's introduction was 2 things-

1. My little sister challenged a girl who killed a dozen trained wolves by herself when all attacked her at once.

2. I'm not ready for that funeral yet.

"Nova," Holly said, staring at me with wide eyes," This is my fight."

"I won't lose you," I stepped forward into the arena to face the Alpha," Alpha Jack, I see that the Challenger is unfit to complete the task and would like to take it in her honor."

He looked between the 2 of us for barely a second. I know that he thinks of us as daughters so this must be hard for him, deciding who he wanted safer.

"I will allow the exchange," he said loudly before leaning in to whisper something to me.

He left the arena area for his son to take over as the initiator of the fight. Mike glared at both of us, but for different reasons. He glared at her for utter hatred. He glared at me for taking a risk that wasn't mine to take.

"Fighters, take position," he commanded. I went to one spot in the grass and Teresa went to the spot opposite me," Know the rules; No shifting and no weapons. Are you ready?"

Teresa gave him a distracted yes as she checked her nails and I gave him a stiff nod. He left the arena-like area and joined the crowd. I got into a fighting stance and waited for her to do the same. I breathed in the morning air. I felt the cold, sparkling snow. I tasted the breeze that passed over up gently. When I opened my eyes they were on one person-


He was watching me intently and for the first time I realized that I should have consulted him beforehand. I gave him a smile and he returned it by flashing his eyes amber.

I returned my gaze to Teresa who was now paying attention. She didn't seem too upset by the change in opponent but ,then again, she didn't know all that much about oracles.

True, I'm not strong, like Kayla, and I can't read minds, like Ulijana, but as an oracle I do have special gifts. I was given the gift of agility, I'm swifter and more flexible than any other wolf.

She got into her position lunged at me, almost taking me by surprise. I dodged her attack by stepping to the left a little, when she passed by me I grabbed onto her shirt and jerked her upwards so that she went in a loop over my head and onto the ground. I put my foot on her throat once she was down.

The fight couldn't be that easy, I thought, could it?

Of course I was wrong because not moments later she swung her own leg so that it crossed over the one that threatened her life and used her foot to pull my leg up and swap placed with me so that I was pinned on the ground and she had the upper hand.

She made the mistake of pinning my left arm behind my back so that my right arm, my dominant arm, could grasp onto her forearm and yank it. Hard.

She tumbled down onto of me, I took her moment of surprise to try to get the advantage once more but was soon finding that to be an impossible task. Teresa was on her feet in seconds and delivered a hard blow to my left cheek. It stung but I recovered quickly.

I blocked a few more attempted punches from the brutal she-wolf before landing one of my own. A good, old-fashioned shiner to her right eye. She didn't look too pleased about that and immediately went to punch me again but I took the moment that she swung to bend down and swipe my legs across her legs. A move that I had seen in Mortal Kombat once and demanded to be taught.

She fell to the ground and I pinned her shoulders back. She struggled against me but I wouldn't budge. I made the fatal mistake of glancing up at my sister for a moment. She flipped us over to that she was pinning me, only she wasn't using her hands to keep my shoulders back.

No, she was using them to cut off my air supply.

Her deceitfully delicate looking hands were wrapped around my throat and no matter how much I scratched and pulled at them, them wouldn't budge.

My vision was beginning to go dark and I had given up hope of winning. Then I felt a pull. Not so much a pull as a push. A push like something was trying to get into me, I looked over to Tyler and saw that his eyes were closed and his head was tilted down with his fists clenched at his side.

He was trying to share his power with me. His strength.

I accepted his power into my system and used it to push Teresa off of me. The moment I was back on my feet, she was too. I struggled for breath for a moment before I forced myself back into the fight I had so valiantly offered my services to. I landed a hard blow to her throat.

I know. I know. Dirty.

But in my defense, I was running out of options.

She put both hands over her throat as she struggled to breath. I took the opportunity to punch her stomach. She fell over so I kicked her a few times in the stomach before finishing it with a very hard blow to her head.

Every one was silent for a solid minute as we waited to see if she was truly unconscious.

Alpha Jack came onto the arena and held up my hand in victory.

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