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Isn't it absolutely amazing how right someone can be? Faye thought no one would believe I could be so selfish and stupid. No one at the pack house believed what I told them at first. I thought that Tyler would visit me that night so you know what I do? I go out into the middle of the woods at midnight where I am most vulnerable with out any shoes or coat because they were downstairs and everyone locked me upstairs "for my own protection" and I had to use the window. 

I also knew that they would use that excuse.

This is a quick explanation of how exactly I ended up in the middle of the forest of our territory in the same clearing that I'd seen Tyler in over a month ago while in our wolf forms. The wind was vicious but I didn't bring a coat, the pup in my stomach whined a bit and I embraced myself just as he appeared from behind me, his hand covering mine over the pup.

"Is it really possible?"

"It is," I said as I turned around to face him," Which is why I need you to leave."

"What? Nova, you're expecting our-"

"I know. I know, but I've had a vision and it involves you. We can't let it come true and for that to happen I need you to go far away."

"What about you? I want to be there for you and the pup."

But I want the pup to live, I argued silently. I can't tell him about the truth of the vision, he'll freak out and leave forever. He doesn't have to leave forever, I reasoned, just until the pup is gone.

"I need you to go to Africa and search for the third oracle. Her name is Kayla and she's missing."

"Why me?"

"Because we need her and she's missing. I'll have Luke and Mike to protect me while you're gone along with the rest of the pack. We'll be safe."

"That's not enough," he muttered. His turquoise eyes went sad under the little light provided by the stars and he hugged me gently before giving my stomach a soft rub and disappearing into the night.


I was in bed when the sun came through the window of my room. I hadn't been able to sleep after returning home, something about seeing Tyler put me in a mood that I just couldn't name. Some weird mixture of fear, confusion, love and hope. 

I hate it.

The pup wiggled in my stomach, I'm impressed that I could feel it because of it's size but I guess that I don't know how a werewolf/oracle- hybrid hybrid would grow. He seems to like it when I sing to him though so that's what I've been doing. Some old song from a movie.

"Mama's precious jewel. Daddy's rising star. There's so much in life for you to see, and so much to be. You are Heaven's gift to me..."

After another hour or so of singing old songs and rhymes to the little pup, Holly came upstairs to bring me a book of baby names to look through. Another hour. Ulijana came up with her copies of Horatia wolves diaries to compare them with Xena's and see if there has ever been an oracle birth before. There has only been 5 in existence ever and they've all been in the Xena line.

"That's insane," Uli exclaimed when she read about the fourth one again. It was a boy born to a wolf named Arianna in 17th century Greece. The child had no powers other than that of a regular wolf," The Oracle thing must not be genetic."

"That's great," I groaned," My pup will only be 1/4 vampire instead of half oracle and 1/4 vampire. Great."

"Have you thought of a name yet? You seem pretty sure that it's a boy."

"I looked but none seem to pop out to me. I guess I have time though."

"Yeah, but time is also the only thing we don't have."

We both stopped talking for a long while. Uli flipped a page before asking.

"What will we do if the vision comes true, Nova?"

"We won't do anything. If the vision comes true then you'll be dead," my hand went over my stomach, not daring to add the next part even in my mind.

"So long as Tyler stays MIA and Kayla missing then we can't go any further in this. That's the most important part."

"Maybe, but I saw my pup die in the vision. You know just as well as I do what that means. Death makes it real. All we can do is wait."

So we waited, rather I waited because when it reached noon Ulijana left my room to tend to the children. I wanted to help as well but Holly, Faye, Mike, Luke and the Alpha and Luna all strictly forbade it. We don't know if I'm enough to keep the pup from getting sick.

So I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Then, just as I was about to break the door down if I had to wait any longer-

I got to wait some more.

That's when Luke came into my room. 

"Hey, Nova."


"I guess that you're pissed, huh?"

"You guess right."

"Well, I need you to come downstairs for a while. There are some people here that want to see you."

"Who could possibly want to see me?"

"The Vampire council."


I had raced past Luke the moment I heard the word "Vampire". What did Tyler do?

I was almost down the stairs when Luke caught up with me. He told me to slow down and gain composure before going down through our bond.

I can't. They might know something about Tyler.

They will also be able to hear the pup's heartbeat if you get him all excited. You need to stay calm, as of now they have on idea that you're with child.

They'll know soon enough. I reek of him.

You just need to-

"Nova Sterling," one of them said to me, I could smell that she wasn't a vampire like them. More of a wolf scent. A wide smile spread across her face.

"And you are," I replied in a cold, hard tone.

"Pardon me. I am Thalia, the aunt of that pup in your stomach."

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