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We hurried downstairs after we had both changed into clean clothes. I clutched Tyler's hand in my own as I rushed down the steps, the scent of bacon and pancakes already wafting to my nose. When we got down there I saw that everyone was there, even Kian, who was almost fully recovered from his attack with the help of both his mate and his supernatural healing powers.

When we stopped in front of everyone and they all looked up at us I couldn't help the smile that fought it's way through. Holly stood up and walked over to me with her eyes squinted and zero-ed in on something; my neck.

"Shut up," she whispered when she got close before yelling it again," Shut up! No, tell me that's what I think it is!"

"It is," I said while nodding. She moved my head to the side and pulled my hair back to get a better view, causing Tyler to let out a low growl. I guess he thinks of it as his special spot.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," she said. Kian went up behind her to get a better look, he put his chin on her shoulder.

"I think I've seen one more beautiful," he whispered to her.

She smacked his arm and he backed away laughing. Luna Catherine came up to see it as well and Alpha Jack stood behind us all smiling and congratulating us. The loud sound of a chair scraping against the floor made us all look up just in time to see Mike storm out. The Luna gave me an apologetic smile.

"Don't you worry, dear, he'll get used to it."

"I know," I think I muttered. I looked up at Tyler," I think I should go talk to him still."

I could feel it through our bond that he didn't like the idea but he released my waist anyway. I pulled away from our little crowd of fans and went outside, pulling on a pair of boots on my way out.


He didn't stop when I shouted to him, rather started walking faster.

"Mike, you need to stop! We have to talk about this."

"No, we don't," he whirled around to face me," You've made your choice very clear!

"What choice? Mike, he's my mate."

"You say that like it means something. You could have rejected him, Nova!"

"It's not as cut and clear as you make it sound," I took a deep breath before continuing," There are feelings involved. That makes things messy, you know that."

"Do I? The way you say it, I sound like the most heartless man on the planet."

"You know that's not what I meant," I ran my finger's through my hair in exasperation," God, if you would just listen to me for once with out letting your mammoth ego get in the way-"

"Yeah? Well, me and my 'mammoth ego' are the only things keeping you in this pack," he pointed a threatening finger at so you better start listening to me, Nova, or else things will get ugly, fast."

I stared at him in disbelief for a moment before turning around and going back to the house. He didn't try to follow me, rather just shouted.

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"Anywhere you're not, asshole!"

I stormed back into the house, muttering little cusses and swears under my breath all the while. I stomped the snow off my boots and hung up the coat I had grabbed on the was out before returning to the dining room.

Only Tyler was in there when I got back, he was sitting in a chair on backwards with his legs on either side of it and his arms crossed and resting on top of the back of it. He leaned his chin against it when I came in and smile at me slightly.

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