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Torsdag 12: 05

Chris POV

"Okay, so let me recap. You made a bet on which of you two would fall in love with the other first?" Asked William, gauging Chris in disbelief and amusement as he shook his head at the two girls in the distance occupying most of their minds. "It's insane, bro. Even for you. "

Chris rolled his eyes, keeping his attention focused on the beautiful brunette being the subject of the conversation before giving a presumptuous look at William. "It's not like it's the first time."

"Yeah but it's Iskra." Glistened William as he shook his head on the brown already thinking about the fun he would have when Chris would have to abstain for a very long month. "You're going to lose, man. "

"Seriously? Why ?" Chris exclaimed in disbelief and slight annoyance at his best friend's lack of faith.

He knew him. He knew he didn't make any feelings in all this bullshit.

More seriously, how hard it could be to get to know a girl without sex or anything. Although he had to admit that if she continued to tease him as she continually did, he could not control himself any longer. There were very few times that he could contain himself.

Not to mention William's own little bet and Noora as well. It would seem that they had thought the same thing at an interval of time.

One thing that Chris quickly recalled to his best friend seeming far too sure of himself to his liking. "More, I remind you that if I win, you win. "

"Yeah and if you lose not only you will have to undergo complete humiliation but you will definitely lose Iskra." Remembered William seriously this time effectively diminishing Chris's smile as the brown looked again in the general direction the beautiful brunette alongside Noora arousing a deep sigh of William. "You didn't think about that, right ? I bet you stopped listening to her the moment she agreed. "

Chris gave a guilty smile to William collecting a new brown eyes roll from the Penetrator leader before he looked back at Iskra and bit his lower lip.

"If you messed up again, I wouldn't avoid her." William immediately warned before giving a look at Noora and Iskra seeming to laugh together at the expense of the other girls. "More, Noora will have my skin this time if I avoid her again. "

Chris frowned at once, not definitely loving all of the weight suddenly on his shoulders before giving a bored look at the blonde at the other end of the cafeteria. "Girls aren't supposed to be jealous of others and all this shit ?"

"Normally, yeah. But it's different with Iskra." Explained William, smiling slightly as he saw the smile of the beautiful brunette having woven an important place in her life without even being able to fully realize it. " She is different. "

" Yeah, I know." Chris sighed, concentrating his attention on Iskra before he felt a smile forming on his lips as she made eye contact with him.

The beautiful brunette gave a smile in turn before giving him a flirting nudity complete again stirring his interest beyond words.

She seemed to be the only girl to make him so interested with simple actions as familiar to him.

And the worst part of it, was that he was fully aware that she just messed up with his head. One thing she seemed able to do without any effort.

Obviously the scene did not go unnoticed in the eyes of William as he displayed a knowing secret smile on his best friend before watching Iskra as she finally turned her head back to the girls.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now