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Lørdag 11:17

In other words, after the night I had just had, I was not ready to be awakened by the thundering sound of my phone.

I instantly let out a growl rolling under my blankets before hiding my face from the light of my curtains I had forgotten to shoot last night and began blindly tapping the sides of my bed looking for my Iphone.

A grunt escaped me as I accidentally hit my fist against the rim of my nightstand before finally feeling the cold surface of my phone seeming to ring continuously.

Whoever was trying to call me, he did not seem to be going far.

However, if he thought he could disturb me in my restful and well received sleep, he could think twice.

"What the fuck? "I instantly shivered through the receiver, my head still buried in my feathered ears before dropping a moan at the chord of Noora's familiar laugh" Ugh ! Noora? You know what time it is! "

"Yeah, it's eleven o'clock." Replied the beautiful blonde thought obviously intelligent with the exception that it will simply grab me a new grunted annoyance. "Come on, Iskra, get up and come and have a big breakfast at the apartment. It's the weekend and I don't want to be one of those girls who spend all their spare time with their boyfriends. "

I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration before turning over on my back against my mattress with my blankets on my head as I took back knowingly. " Translation : William is hangover and apartment is impossible to clean without someone's help, right?"

" This too. " Timorously acknowledged Noora with a guilty air making me rub my face under my cover before sighing heavily arousing a pleading groan of the blonde. "Please Iskra!"

"You can't ask Eva? She's your best friend, isn't she? "

"Just like you." The blonde immediately replied with vivacity, letting me close my eyes again in fatigue as I could hear her activate on the other end of the line. "Plus, I don't really know where she is. She disappeared last night. "

That was enough to wake me up somewhat as I turned on my side by bringing my phone over to the speaker. "You know that we should confront her one day about her disappearances. Personally, I absolutely don't believe in her Tinder story. "

" Neither do I." Said Noora in thought before quickly resuming the main topic of the conversation in impatience. "C'mon, Iskra, William doesn't want to get up and I don't want to spend my Saturday afternoon cleaning the havoc all by herself. "

I let out a deep sigh of defeat before throwing my sheets out of me as I came out of my bed with a slight whistle at the feeling of coldness enveloping me. "Okay, okay, no need to beg me. I come. "

" Awesome ! Thank you, Iskra. "

I shook my head by stretching my arms over my head before giving a look over my shoulder with a yawn on my phone still lying on my bed. "Yeah, yeah, don't mention it. "

"Oh, could you stop for coffee if it's not too much to ask?"

I could already imagine Noora's innocent expression through the receiver making me roll my eyes again early in the morning before retrieving my phone with the promise to go to starbucks on my way.

I quickly changed into a pair of Nike sports leggings with a big gray sweatshirt not really caring what I looked like. Especially since the rest of the day was probably going to be spent emptying the incalculable numbers of empty cups and maybe even with bad luck clearing leftover vomits around the apartment of William and Noora.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now