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Onsdag 15:16

" You think it would be fine if I dyed my red hair ?" Chris suddenly asked as she scrolled through her intagram photos while I stood on the bench filing my nails with complete impassivity. "You know like Gabrielle ?"

"Chris. Nei !" Noora grinned at my side, making me look at the brunette in front of me with amusement before turning my eyes on my chipped nail.

However, my attention was soon postponed to the girls at Sana's sudden intervention."Anyway, you know where Eva is ?"

I instantly paused at this by looking around our little group before slightly frowning as I noticed for the first time the absence of the redhead.

I immediately glanced at Noora like the rest of the girls simply to receive an uncertain shrug of the blonde's shoulders.

"You think she hides a boyfriend ?" Immediately intervening Vilde with her usual tone of gossip made me immediately give a new look to Noora before rolling my eyes receiving a gasp of Vilde in defense. "What ? You're not going to tell me you don't find it strange. She always disappears between classes and she always seems to daydream."

I bent an eyebrow on the platinum blonde to her deduction before pointing her sarcastically with my nail file."And so she obviously sees a boy in hiding. Whoa, great deduction skill, Sherlock."

"Um, Sherlo-who ?" The blonde asked as she gave a lost look at Chris, causing me to close my eyelids, slowly shaking my disillusioned head, causing a slight chuckle from Noora."Whatever, I know she hides something. Aren't you a little curious? "

"Frankly, Vilde, even if she had a boyfriend, it doesn't concern us." I explained in the hope of piercing a certain sense in the stubborn mind of the beautiful platinum blonde. "Maybe she wants to take her time. And honestly after what happened with Jonas I can understand why."

Noora nodded her head in agreement before giving an empathetic look at the sulky blonde."Vilde, I'm sure Eva will tell us what's going on with her when she's ready."

Vilde immediately crossed her arms on her chest, letting go a petulant sniff, letting my head shake on her before returning to my nails.

However, Noora soon broke the silence by turning to me with her famous smile with red lips."Do you want William to bring you back ?"

"Nei! I'm waiting for Chris. I have to help him with his Norwegian test." I answered absent-mindedly, keeping my eyes on my nail, completely ignorant of the glances exchanged between the group as a whole until I noticed the heavy silence making me raise my head to meet the excited expressions of Vilde and Chris contrary to those of trouble and mistrust of Noora and Sana.

I lowered my nail file knowing that I was probably going to pass under the girls' questions before giving a bored look in the direction of Sana and Noora. "What now ?"

"Are you and Chris together ?" Vilde immediately asked greedy gossip before almost jumping for joy in her seat. "Oh my God, that's perfect for our bus. We're going to be so popular now with Noora coming out with William and you with Chris. "

I frowned at her now, giving annoyed glances around us since she spoke fucking strong before hurrying to intervene before she planned our wedding. "Vilde! Vilde! Stop, Chris and I aren't together. Friends at most. "

"Friends ?" Repeated Sana with a disdainful snicker letting me look at her as she crossed her arms over her chest before giving me her famous look meaning not-giving-that-shit.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now