
989 32 4

Søndag 16:39

I let out a new burst of laughter by sweeping the strands of hair from my face as I slammed the door of Maksim's car before starting to walk down our driveway.

The brown soon followed me in a corresponding laugh before laying his arm on my shoulders as I entered inside our corridor of entrance breathless.

" Oh my God ! Did you see how he fell ?" I gasped through my laughter as I moved blindly through our living room with Maksim standing on my shoulders.

Maksim's familiar laugh was just as audible behind me as I felt him shake his head against my back in amusement. "Yeah! It was magical. Honestly, the funniest thing I've ever seen. "

" How dare you ?" I suddenly exclaimed, turning outrageously towards him still ignorant of the trio of boys watching us with boredom. "I thought the meme thing I sent you was the funniest thing you've ever seen."

Maksim stood up, waving his eyebrows at me with malice making me roll my eyes before turning around in the kitchen to open the refrigerator, still unconscious of the attention we received contrary to Maksim who was now clumsy stood in the kitchen opening onto the living room.

I was looking for something to eat through the cool shelves taking full advantage of the warmth of my gray sweater at this point as I resumed our conversation. "You know what? I'll just ignore this affront and beat your ass to Call of Duty. Deal?"

I finally noticed the strange silence making me close the refrigerator door, turning around with two bottles of water before rolling my eyes at William's sight, Chris and Ansel dragging lazily on our sofa with their eyes riveted on Maksim and me.

I soon joined the side of Maksim with an eyebrow arcing towards the trio defying anyone to say anything before passing a bottle to Maksim.

The latter took the latter in a tense silence before scraping his throat awkwardly.

I was rolling my eyes in annoyance at the whole situation before catching the tall brown at my side by the wrist to pull him with me.

We took the stairs noting the resumption of the conversation between the three assholes before pause to the Ansel warning deal. "Leave the door open!" "

I rolled my eyes for the third time in the space of a few seconds before making an important point of slamming my door in defiance.

Maksim left a slight chuckle at my stubborn mind before he let himself fall on my bed with a heavy sigh. "Honestly, I knew it was going to be annoying but at this point."

"They're real dickheads! " I groaned exasperatingly before putting my water bottle on top of my desk as Maksim let out an another laugh.

He looked at me under his brown lashes, raising his prominent cheekbones.

I took a moment to watch him fully realizing that he looked more like Bastian than I had originally thought.

Not only in his looks but also in his personality. I may not have fallen in love with Bastian but he had been a very important person to me and I realized that Maksim was also taking a place in my life now.

I just could not believe that I had met so many people since the beginning of my year at Nissens.

And the worst of all was that a new drama seemed to happen every time. And it would seem that this was always the fault of three people in particular.

The famous trio sticking me to the skin. The annoying chewing gum on my shoe.

If only I could get them back all the frustration they gave me every day.

I frowned in thought before suddenly leaving a mischievous smile in the direction of Maksim as an idea crossed my mind.

The brown soon noticed my expression worthy of the devil making him stand up on his elbows with suspicion. "Why do I feel that this smile will drive me into even more trouble? "

"Want to have fun or not?" I confidently defended as I put my hand on my hip with an attitude collecting an amused breath of the brown.

I soon copied his smile before turning to close my key door immediately harvesting a puzzled and confused look from Maksim.

I walked up to him with a shrug of my eyebrows before I lay on my bed with Maksim, licking my lips seductively.

Maksim stood up puzzled still somewhat attracted beckoning me to follow along. I began to catch the foot of my bed forcing the brown to do the same before hitting it against my wall with a false imitation of grunt and moaning.

Maksim's eyes widened as he realized what I was doing before he held his laugh, helping me to hit my bed faster against the wall.

"Oh god, Maksim! Faster !" I gasped, looking at Maksim suddenly bringing my hand to my lips to stop me from bursting with laughter.

"Iskra! Fuck, I'm gonna-"Maksim also fought his laughter as we struck the bed even more against the wall before turning to my door closed at the fast pace.

Maksim and I keep panting and moaning as we noticed the handle of my door turning in a vacuum indicating that the little nostrils had fallen into the panel.

However, I was not long to widen my eyes as the sound of familiar heels were heard.

I turned immediately to Maksim with a finger on my lips, stopping all movements before listening for my mother's voice. "What are you doing in front of Iskra's room the boys?"

"You only have to see for yourself." Ansel replied dryly, making me think quickly.

I was quick to unlock the lock in silence before firing Maksim with me on the ground by throwing a controller.

I was quickly turning on the TV by clicking on my current game just as I heard the handful of my room being turned again.

"Damn, man ! You just beat my ass !" I shouted loudly as I pushed Maksim as I saw him about to explode with laughter before suddenly glancing over my shoulder in total innocence.

I quickly noticed my mother looking between Maksim and me in the fun. " All is well ? "

"Oh, yes, perfectly well, Mrs. Bakken." Answer Maksim exaggerated as we spotted William, Ansel and Chris leaning behind my mother with incredulous expressions.

I was unable to contain myself any longer this time as I saw their expressions definitely priceless before turning to Maksim literally exploding to laugh with the brown.

At this point Maksim dropped the controller to hold his sides as I let myself fall back on my back under my bursts of laughter, letting my mother look at us confusedly unlike the boys who soon realized the trick.

"Seriously?" Exploded Ansel, entering my room in exasperation, amplifying our bursts of laughter.

Our mother rolled her obviously overwhelmed eyes before pushing my brother out of my room."Leave your sister with her friend. Obviously, they have something going on. "

That was just enough to make us laugh more laughing, letting me share a look with Maksim who had tears in his eyes at this point.

I managed to maliciously wiggle my hand on the boys as our mother closed behind her collecting more dark looks from these before turning to Maksim to explode again laughing.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now