New Job

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Karine's POV

I walk in the sand rather than the path that winds through the beach.  The hot sand scorches my toes but the breeze coming off the ocean feels wonderful pressed against my face.  It blows my light brown hair out of my eyes allowing my to push my glasses up my nose.  I finally see my destination, the aquarium.  Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I push open the large doors and go inside.  A girl sits at the receptionist desk, she has brown hair like that's pushed back with a headband.

"Hello Can I Help You."

"Yes actually.  I'm suppose to be in the infirmary."

"Its at the end of the hall.  May I ask why you need to go there."

"I'm the new girl.  I was hired last week."

"Is there any chance your name is Karine Asuna?"

"Yes actually it is why."

"I have heard so much about you.  You seem so young."  She says standing up and shaking my hand.

"Well I guess I am kind of young.  I'm 24."

"Your the new doctor right."

"I prefer the term vet, if you don't mind."

"My apologies, Ms. Asune."

"You can call my Karine.  What's your name.

"I am Kanaya Maryam.  You can just call me Kanaya though."

"Well nice to meet you Kanaya.  It'll be a pleasure working with you."

"Same to you.  You should be getting to the infirmary."

"I will.  Thanks for your help."  I said walking down the hall waving to her.  As I get closer to the infirmary a small penguin is running down the hall squawking with a boy chasing him.  The penguin crashes into my leg and falls over.  I lean down and help him up.

"Oh I'm sorry little fella.  Are you okay."  He gives me an affectionate squawk and jumps in my arms. I pick him up and hug him melting inside due to his cuteness.

"That's weird normally he doesn't like people.  Thanks for catching him though.  Who are you."  The boy asks.  He has messy brown hair covering his eyes which already have red and blue goggles on them. He is wearing a lab coat.

"Oh I'm Karine Asune.  You can just call me Karine though."  I say holding out my hand for him to shake.

"You're the new vet right.  Oh I'm Mituna by the way.  Mituna Captor.  That little butthead your holding is Dave."

"Nice to meet you Mituna.  What do you do?"

"I'm a lab doctor.  I was trying to check on Dave but the little scoundrel ran off and I had to chase him down again.  But you're going to the infirmary to right.  I can walk you there if you want."

"Thank you.  Do you need your penguin back."

"You can hold him if you like.  At least until we get there."  Dave started affectionately licking my face.  His breath smelled like fish but I couldn't keep myself from giggling.

"He sure does seem to like you."

"I think I'm just good with animals.  Its been that way since I was a kid."  We walk into the lab.  A boy only slightly taller than me is hunched over papers frantically writing down notes while a lavender puffer-fish curiously looked at his scrawling.  Another older man stood their waiting for us.

"Mituna did you get Dave."

"Yes sir. She's holding him."

"Good get back to work please."  He turned his attention towards me as I handed Dave back to Mituna "You must be Karine Asune correct."

"Yes sir that's me."

"Welcome to the aquarium.  Its good to have a new staff member.  Sollux over their can show you the ropes.  You'll mainly be checking on the animals and helping them if their sick or injured."

"Yes sir.  When do I start."

"Right now.  Seeing as Dave likes you, you can help Mituna with him and then Sollux will show you around the aquarium."  

"Okay thank you sir,"

"You don't have to thank me."  He said as he walked into the darkened room in the back.  I walk over to Mituna who is struggling to get Dave to sit still long enough to give him a shot.

"Is this why he took off earlier."

"Yes it is.  He won't let me give him his shot."

"Here let me."  He handed me the syringe.  Dave looks at me pleading me not to do it.

"Mituna can you give me a fish."  He hands me a slimy fish from the bucket at his feet.  I give it to Dave who's focus is now on the fish.  He starts eating it and I stick the syringe in his back.  He gives a small yelp and glares at me.

"I'm sorry."  I give him another fish.  He swallows his food and jumps up forcing me to hug him.

"Hey Karine.  Ready to go."  I look over and Sollux is waiting for me.  He looks like Mituna but his hair is more well kept and he wore red and blue glasses instead of Mituna's goggles.  

"Yea lets go."  I say.  We start walking out of the infirmary with Dave waddling behind me.

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