Human Again

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Karine's POV

By the time I had found my way back to Eren's tank it was already dinner time. Feeling tired rather than hungry I head straight to the cave to sleep. It must of been hours before I was woken up by Eren who dragged me out before I could open my eyes fully. I saw two other people outside. One I knew was Feferi and the other looked a lot like her. She had black hair longer than her two tails that she wore in briads.

"Karine! This is my sister Meenah." Feferi grabbed me and pulled me over to Meenah.

"Sis we don't have time for introductions. I can't saty here long. Now what did you need me to do."

"Okay well we kinda sorta turned Karine into a mermaid and we need to turn her back asap."

"My glub Fef why do you always do this."

"I'm sorry Mennah you know what it was for though."

"Fair point. Now that we know how it works we can use it."

I honestly have no idea what they we're talking about.

"So basically what I'll have to do is take your roll and we have to do what you did before."

"Yea. Except we might have to use your blood instead."

"Well lets do it anyways. The faster we get this done the batter." Eren disappered into the cave and brought out the flask. Meenah cut her hand on dripped her blood into it. There was a puff of smoke and she handed it to me. I sat down and drank it and after I opened my eyes my legs had reappered. I couldn't breath and ended up choking on water. Feferi grabbed me and swim to the surface as fast as possible. My head was pulled above the water and I gasped for air. I managed to pull myself out of the water and I picked up my folder, wrote something down and walked down the stairs to Handmaid's office. She had a pair of clothes for me on her desk as well as a towel. I changed into them and went home. Simba pawed at my wet hair and chewed on it. I assumed it was because it tasted like fish to him. I fell asleep for only three hours before I had to go back to work.

I woke up at four in the morning to my computer beeping me alerting me to the fact that my bro had tried to skype me. Since I hadn't answered his call had left me a message. He and my oldest sister decided they we're going to come visit me in two weeks. I sighed, shut down my computer, and got ready for work.

"Hey Karine your back! Are you feeling better now." This was the greeting I recived from Mituna.

"Yea hey Tuna I'm fine."

"That's good. Well if its not too much to ask there was a storm yesterday. Signless wanted us to take the boat out and check out the damaged around the caost."

"There was a storm."

"Yea it was pretty bad. How did you no notice." Now I had to lie again.

"I must of been asleep when it happened."

"Well do you want to go with me? Jack's going too."

"Sure I'll go."

"Okay meet us at the dock at nine. Before we leave we have to feed everyone."

"Okay." Mituna was off doing something else so it was just me and Tavros feeding the animals today. I noticed a slight discoloration against the rocks in Gamzee's tank. It was ovbious that my friend was hiding again. I threw in some extra fish for her to eat.

"Hey what did you do that for."

"Well Gamzee looked hungry."

"Okay." He didn't question anything else I did. We ran into Luke and Aradia who were training the turtles. He and Aradia we're going with me and Mituna later. So was Tavros. Sollux had turned down going saying that he didn't want to go outside at all but Psiioniic was forcing him to. I hadn't noticed the damage on the beach until we we're heading to the dock. Trees we're broken on the ground and trash was scattered everywhere. When we got their Cal was already waiting for us.

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