Silver Spill

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Karine's POV

I woke up at five am and started walking to work.  By the time I was almost to the beach Jack had caught up with me.

"Hey are you stalking me." I ask jokingly

"I wish."  He replied catching onto my attempt at messing with him. We talk about some of the animals in the aquarium I didn't get to meet yesterday.  There was a total of 26 animals including a little dog named Jade that always hung out in the aquarium.  We walk into aquarium where we're greeted by Kanaya.

"Good morning Karine."  She said cheerfully before her stare turned ice cols when she say Jack.  "Mr. Noir."

"Morning Kanaya."  He said before we headed to the infirmary.  I swear I saw Kanaya mouth the words Be Careful.  I can't understand why she would say that or if she even did.  We entered the infirmary and saw a pretty normal sight but something didn't feel right.  Mituna was trying to get Jade to leave Dave alone and Sollux had his face pressed against a tank.  Jack sat down at a computer and began logging things into the computer. 

"Hey Sol whatcha doing."

"Just trying to figure out why he keeps running into the glass."  He said pointing his pencil at the small purple fish in the tank.

"Aww he's so cute.  What's his name?"

"This is Eridan but we all just usually call him Erifish."  I bend down and look at the tank.  He's just swimming around not paying attention to where he was swimming.

"Maybe he has bad vision."

"What makes you say that."

"Just the way he's swimming.  When dogs can't see they walk around in circles to try and get attention and be lead where they need to be.  He's doing the same thing."

"Your right.  I could try to make him glasses.  Our peace was interrupted by Psiioniic running in screaming about the whereabouts of certain files.  When he found what he was looking for he walked back out in the same frantic manner in which he had entered.

"Kids stay here and don't come near Feferi's tank."  Of course us being impulsive kids we decide to investigate.  Tavros, Mituna, Sollux, Jack an I walk to where Feferi's tank is.  All the older staff members are around it endlessly talking.  The kids are huddled hiding behind the other tanks.  Feferi was frantically waving to my trying to tell me something was wrong.

"I need to get into the tank or Feferi's at least."

"Karine are you insane.  How are you going to get there.  Besides you'll need diving gear." 

"I've got that taken care of."  Tavros grabbed my wrist and we ran down the hall to the closet where all the diving gear was.  We both got ready to get in the tank.  Sollux hacked the PDA system to distracted the adults for a few second while we ran up the stairs and dove into Feferi's tank.  When we we're underwater she drug us behind a rock so we we're seen.

"You need to help her."  She didn't give us time to question her she just grabbed our wrists and leaped with us into the neighboring tank.  We swam to the bottom of the same tank I had fallen in the day before.  When we first dove in their was an odd silver liquid on the top of the water.  We followed a trail of silver water to the bottom of the tank where a cave was.  In the entrance of the cave I could see a blue glow.

"Told you so."  I said as we followed Feferi into the cave.  There was a creature that kinda looked like a mer- troll.  But she had human legs that went from her knee down.  One of them was cut open and leaking the silver liquid.

"She's shrank to her normal size. Good.  Help me get her to the surface."  The other troll was still unconscious.  We each grabbed one of her arms and swam her to the surface.  All the adults stared at the four of us.

"Busted."  The three of us (who we're awake) coursed together. 

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