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Karine's POV

The next day at work it seems less tense.  Everyone's finally relaxed and not stressed and for me theirs no tension.  No one *cough cough* Sollux *cough cough* was grouchy and whiny about whatever his problem was.

"Karine!  We missed you."  I am attacked by my mermaids who are hugging me.

"Wow one hangover and you think I hadn't seen you guys for thirty years."

"Whats a hangover?"  Feferi asked looking a me with her wide innocent eyes.

"You don't want to know, it sucks."  Sicarius said emerging from the surface.

"Are you three getting along."

"No I keep accidently scaring them using my camouflage."  She giggled.

"She's just messing around we've been getting along."  Eren jokingly punched her shoulder.

"So Sicarius how do you know what a hangovers like."

"Don't ask."

"Okay I won't."  Feferi snickered and I felt  hands wrap around my waist causing me to jump.

"Sollux you scared the heck out of me."

"I know it was funny." He kissed my head

"Are you two a thing."  Feferi was impatiently awaiting an answer.

"Yea I guess."  I smiled.  Then I heard yelling

"Son get your hands off her and get back to work."  Psiioniic's sudden order scared the both of us.

"Okay Dad I'm going."  He let go of me and kissed my head one last time.

"I got to go.  See you in like five minutes when you get back."  He walked down the stairs.

"Aww its so cute."  The three sea creatures we're gushing and melting like a bunch of usual teenage girls.  Just then we heard someone scream.  It was Kanaya.  She was on her way to go get Luke when Vriska, one of our diving bell spiders made another attempt to escape her tank.  I ran down the stairs unaware that Sicarius was following me.

"Vriska not again."  Tavros (who was in normal clothes for once) was standing in front of the spider.  Then she fell over.

"Kanaya you alright."  

"Yes I'm fine."  She got up and walked back to her desk.  I then turned to Tavros who was trying to pick the spider up.

"Is she alright."

"She should be." The I heard her moan in pain.

"Tavros what happened when she fell."

"I didn't see.  She may have hit her head or something."

"Let me see her."  Tavros leaned down with Vriska on his back.  She had a cut on her forehead and one of her six ankles was twisted.

"Can you carry her to the infirmary so I can fix her up."

"Yea."  I cleaned the blood off of her head and put a band-aid on it.  Since she didn't want to walk on her ankle (Like I was going to let her) I carried her back to her tank.  She was pissed about failing at escaping again so I gave her some salt water taffy.  She stopped complaining and whiny at once and at the candy.

After going through my usual day I headed home.  David said he was going to stay late because he had to finish up something with Dirk so I went home by myself.  

I was shocked by the sight that greeted me when I walked into my apartment.

Everything had been overturned.  Somone had broken in.  It didn't look like they took anything.  It was still upsetting.

"Sollux could you come over to my place as soon as possible?"

He was at my apartment within five minutes with Mituna who had tagged along.  David burst in a second later with Dirk and flipped out.

"Sis what happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine bro.  Someone broke in.  I don't think they took anything."  Mituna was looking around double checking.

"Hey Karine do you have that file you we're keeping on Eren."

"Yea it was in my desk."

"It's not there anymore."  I ran into the other room and went through the drawers.

Someone had taken it

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