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Karine's POV

The boat ride was quiet and smooth. I heard a random squak and I looked over and saw the red peunguin. He ran over to me and jumped in my arms again.

"Dave! What are you doing here?"


"I think he missed you." Mituna said. I walked a couple steps back to sit down and hear a yelp.

"Jade! You too." She barked happily and tackled mituna. She licked his face and he started giggling. Just then she stopped and whinced. The clouds had gotten dark. The breeze had gotten cold and Dave huddled in my jacket. Jade whinned and layed down in a frightened ball on Mituna's lap. Thunder crackled and Jade let out a frightened bark. The water got rocky. Lightnig flashed blinding me. Dave jerked forcing my glasses down my nose. The waves banged against the boat. A huge wave crashed on board. Now everone was soaked. It was now impossible to stand up. Everytime someone tried the waves crashing against us forced them back down.

"Karine! Watch out!" Before I could register why Jack was shouting at me Sollux tackled me and forced me down onto the deck. A huge wave crashed over us leaving me unable to breath. When the water fell back I looked up. Everyone was now dripping wet and Jack was nowhere to be seen.

"JACK. JACK WHERE ARE YOU!" No answer. I frantically looked around for him.

"We're going to have to turn back."

"Cal we can't we have to find Jack and make sure he's okay." My rational thinking had faded away. I needed to make sure he was alright even though I knew I knew we should go back before we all winded up dead.

"Cal please!"

"I'm sorry we can't stay out here." I leaned against the side of the boat ready to jump over and look for Jack. Tavros who was till on the ground grabbed my leg.

"Karine please don't do this." It was painful to abide by what he said. I sat down choking on my tears. Sollux put a towel around me and started rubbing my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I said pulling away from him.


"Leave me alone!" I screamed at him. Back on shore we we're greeted by Karkat and Aradia.

"Hey guys good thing you go back." Aradia said we all walked inside.

"Karine where's Jack?" Karkat looked at me and I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying again.

"He's gone."

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