Am I Crazy?

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Karine's POV

It was a few hours after I fell in the tank.  Tavros Mituna and I were checking on the animals and giving them lunch. Tavros was the one mainly in charge of feeding.  News of my incident had spread quickly. 

"You guys believe me right?"

"Well I don't know Karine it seems highly unlikely somethings actually in that tank."

"I hate to agree with Mituna but I've been diving in that tank.  I haven't seen anything except dark water.  There's never been a blue glow."

"How deep is that tank anways."

"I've went down only about 15 feet but it seemed deeper."

"It was.  In the logs it says its 20 feet."

"It has to be deeper than that.  If I fell approximately 2 feet per second and was sinking for 36 second it means I sank 72 feet and could barely see the bottom.  Its got to be like 75 feet deep."

"Maybe your perception of time and distance was distorted when you fell."

"It wasn't I swear there's something down their."  Both the boys looked and me and sighed.

"Whatever you say Karine." Mituna said handing me the food for Feferi.

"You believe me right Feferi?"

No response only a grateful purr of thanks for her lunch.  The boys start heading down the stairs from Feferi's tank.

"Hey Karine are you coming."

"I'll be down in a while Tavros.  I want to just be with Feferi."

"Okay."  I turn my attention back to the mermaid.

"I'm not insane am I Fef?" No direct answer only her nodding her head no.

"Is there something there?" Again no answer not even a nod of her head.  The topic came up again when dinner time came around.  Tavros and Mituna said the same thing they had six hours earlier.  When I asked Feferi about it again I got an answer.  She whispered two words into my ear.

"Handmaid knows."  After that it was time to go home.  I start walking home and run into another boy who I recognize from work.

"Hey your Karine right?"

"Yes I am.  Who are you."

"Oh I'm Jack Noir.  You can just call me Jack."

"Well its nice to meet you Jack."

"I heard about you falling into that tank today."

"It seems everyone has."

"News travels fast around there.  Are you okay."

"Yea I just think I saw something down there.  But no one believes me."

"What do you think you say."

"I saw a blue glow at the bottom."


"You don't believe me either do you?"

"No I do it's just weird"

"I know right no one would believe me."

"I believe you.  You can trust me."  I looked at Jack.  He had messy black hair and red eyes.

"Why are your eyes red."

"They we're brown when I was born but a pigment deficiency caused by a mutation turned them red."

"I've read about that when I was in college.  Your lucky to be alive."

"Really how so."

"Usually pigment deficiencies like that cause other mutations which cause proteins to get coded wrong causing weak immune systems which become more susceptible to cancer."

"Your smart."

"Thanks and your handsome.  I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for.  I thought we were just giving each other compliments."

"We were but well uh just never-mind its been a long day."

"Its fine I don't mind.  You'll get used to it."

"I sure hope so."

"Would it be too much trouble if I walked you home."

"No I'm okay with that as long as it doesn't get in the way of anything you have planned."

"I don't I just want to make sure you get home okay."

"Well okay then.  How about I buy us some food.  We can go get takeout there a good sushi place across the street from my apartment."

"Yea that sounds good."  For the time that it lasted I didn't feel judge about whatever I said.  Unlike when I was at work talking to Tavros and Mituna I felt like I wasn't crazy.  The only thing out of place here was the fact that I was maybe starting to like Jack after knowing him for only two hours.

"What do you do if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm an intern in the lab but most of the time I'm in the infirmary.  No need to ask you that.  Your the youngest most talented doctor."

"I wouldn't exactly say that.  Its more like I've just accomplished a lot."

"It was good talking to you Karine.  See you at work tomorrow."

"Bye Jack."  I say as I close the door to my apartment.  After I put my pajamas on I flop down on my bed and hold up my orange kitty, Simba.

"Well Simba at least you don't think I'm crazy."  He meows and wiggles out of my grip.  When his paws are firm back on my bed I  lay down and turn out the light.  Simba starts licking my face since it smelled like fish.   

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