Christmas Time

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Karine's POV

My siblings had stayed for almost a month. Ashia had gone back home since their Christmas break had started. My mom was going to come visit with my three other sisters on the twenty third. Tessa had helped Cal's sister Lily decorate the aquarium. Jade and Dave wore sweaters that Kanaya had made them. Mituna annoyed his younger brother, Sollux by singing Christmas songs. Jane constantly made us cookies and Roxy spiked most of the egg nog with gin so no one would drink it. David had been helping Dirk keep everything working.

One day when I sat down at my desk there we're three things. One was a spice cake from Kanaya and Jane. It was the best breakfast I had in forever. The second was a plate of sloppily frosted cookies with a note on them.

Merry Christmas


The last thing was a packaged wrapped in purple paper. I unwrapped it. Inside was a gold chained necklace that had a bright blue jewel. There was no note or anything. I put it on and the charm rest on the silver cross. Jack's cross. I grab some of the cookies and walk to Feferi and Eren's tanks.

"Guys i have cookies for you." Almost instantly the mermaid appeared above the surface.

"We have presents for you too."

"Gusy the cookies we're breakfast not your Christmas presents. I was going to give them to you later."

"Oh well you get your presents now." They finished their cookies and swam down at the same time. I waited for a few minutes and they came up sperately. Feferi first with a clam shell and Eren had her hands folded over something.

"I made this for you." Feferi handed me the shell and I opened it. She had made a crown for me. Its what she called it. It was a headband but I could tell she put in a lot of effort to decorate it. It was drapped in different colored pearl and peices of coral. She put it on my head.

"Thank you Feferi. It's beautiful."

Eren nudged my arm and had two things. One was a charm bracelet and the other was a key hanging on a peice of rope.

"I want you to have this key and keep it safe for me."

"What is it for."

"I can't tell you now but someday I will."

"Thank you both of you." I hug both of them getting wet and covered in salt water. Handmaid came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"I am sorry to break this up but I would like to barrow Karine for a few minutes. Is that okay?" Both of the trolls nodded and Handmaid lead me down the stairs to her office.

"I have noticed that most people have given you some sort of jewelry for Christmas."

"Yes they have."

"I have also gotten you something along those lines for your present."

"Really what is it." She holds out her hand. In her hand is a beautiful hair clip adorded with amythest shaphire and emerald in the pattern of a flower.

I was completely speechless.

"Do you like it?'

"I love it it's beautiful. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome musume. This belonged to my ancestors. It was given to my great great grandmother by the emperor of China. It has been passed down through generations and finally to me. Since I have no children of my own I would like you to have it."

"But how come your sister didn't get it. She could have given it to Aradia or Damara."

"It has always been passed down to the oldest daughter and finally to me." She took the clip and pinned it in my hair, securing it with bobby pins. This was the best Christmas ever and it was only the 13th of December.

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