Jealousy is a dangerous thing

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Karine's POV

Rather than waking up at five for work groggy as usual I woke up refreshed.  I went through my normal routine and was at work by six.  I walked into the infirmary where Sollux Mituna and Luke we're already at work.

"Hey Sol what's up?"

No response just any icy silence.

"Well what about you Mituna."

"I'm good.  How was your first day off?"

Good not everyone was mad at me for some reason.

"It was good.  I got to talk to my mom and siblings."

Then Luke decided to but in

"How many siblings do you have."

"Five.  Four younger sisters and a younger brother.  What about you Luke?"

"Seven and I'm the middle child."  He sighed.  I walk back over to the area of the room where Sollux was and always generally is.  I press my hand against Eren's tank and wave to her.  She lights up her scale in response and I hand her one of the sugar cookies I packed for her.  Usually sea creatures couldn't handle sugar but Eren seemed to thrive off of it.  She devoured the cookies and lit up her scales again as a signal for another one.  I toss another one to her and she eats it as quickly as the first.  She then tries to beg for one more.

"Not until lunch."  She hung her head and I gave her mini Oreos instead.  She floats in the water happily munching the cream filled cookies.  I look over Sollux's shoulder and look at Erifish swimming excitedly in his tank hoping I'd give him a cookie too.

"Could you not."  Sollux harshly glares at me.

"I'm sorry man."

"Just get out of my space and leave me alone."

"Is something wrong?"

"Its none of your buisness, leave me alone."

He was rude most of the day, even more so than I had ever seen Karkat.  At lunch Jack asked to help feed everyone since Mituna was busy attending to Jade who had eaten some chocolate.  I was up at the top of Feferi's tank braiding her hair while she made a bracelet with lavender pearls.  Then I heard a crash and look down.  Jack dropped the bucket of fish and it spilled all over.  Sollux was now yelling at him.

"Couldn't you watch what your doing idiot."

"It was an accident.  I'll clean it up."

"You seriously need to start paying attention."  Sollux was being more hostile to Jack than he was to me in the infirmary that morning.  He stormed off leaving Jack to clean up the mess.

"Fef do you have any idea what that was about."

"I have no clue.  Testosterone?"

"Fef do you even know what that means."  I laugh at the mermaid.

"No idea sometimes I just hear Kanaya say Karkat has too much of it for his own good."  I'm now laughing so hard forgetting what we we're talking about.  I finish her braid and hop down to help Jack finish cleaning up the mess.

"Hey are you alright man."

"Yea its no big deal."  

"Do you know what that was about?"

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Then I hear someone whisper in my ear. No its jealousy. I look behind me and just see Terezi, the security guard walking down the hall.

Man sometimes that girl is so weird.

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