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Karine's POV

It was now the twenty sixth of December. Everyone had stayed at work on Christmas and were tired after three long days of working and celebrating. By the time eight o clock rolled around everyone was in the snack bar where Roxy and Jane were just finishing up work for the day.

"Hey Roxy how about you keep the place open a little while longer and pour me a drink." Rufioh had just walked in a slumped down into a chair next to Latula.

"You got it pretty boy, what do you want."

"Actually a shot of whiskey sounds good right about now." Roxy poured his drink and handed it to him.

"Given that fact. How about we all get wasted tonight." Dirk looked at Roxy and she smiled. I had never seen her work so fast. She was pouring drinks and mixing cocktails faster than anyone I had ever seen. David still being underage sat at a corner table drinking iced tea with Tavros talking about diving.

"Yo Kankri. Come hang out with us for a while." Porrim waved out the door to him. I could hear Karkat who was right beside me growl.

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt." He sat down beside Porrim and Roxy poured him a drink. Two hours and a few drinks later it seemed like everyone had managed to relax.

"Come on Kankri just one drink."

"Porrim, no please."

"Come on Kanny." Porrim was holding the glass to his face trying to make him drink it.

"Fine. One drink." He grabbed the glass from her and drank the entire thing.

"Hey Roxy can you pour me another one." He did seem he couldn't handle alcohol as well as the rest of us and was out cold after barely finishing his third drink.

"Porrim, would you take him home or to his dad's office." Porrim grabbed Kankri and pulled him up onto her shoulders. He didn't move. She came back about ten minutes later.

"Please don't tell me you put him in a closet again."

"Oh hush Dirk. He's sleeping on the floor in his dad's office."

"Good." He looked away from Porrim and took another drink from his beer.

"I better go check on him and make sure." Karkat got up and finished his beer.

"Aw look who cares about his brother."

"Terezi shut up." He walked out. Sollux took his place.

"Hey Karine."

"What do you want."

"Nothing." We sat in silence and drank. Gradually everyone had settled down and slowed down drinking. Signless finally came in and told us all to go home.

"You all stay home tomorrow and sleep it off. If any of you come into work your going to be in trouble." I stumbled out to the parking lot looking for my brother who must of already went home. Now I had to walk, I mean stumble home.

"Hey Karine. Let me walk you home."

"Like that'll help you is just as dronk as I am."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you is you drinked more than me."

"Your wasted. Come on I'll walk you home." Sollux put my arm around my should to help me walk since I could coordinate very well. After I ended up slipping on nothing he picked me up and carried me to my apartment.

"Do you like me."


"Do. you. like. me."

"I guess what do you mean."

"You was jeleous. Like Terezi said. You didn't like him." This is where my memory failed and the next thing I knew was I was in my bed in my apartment and it was one o clock in the afternoon.

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