'8' Darkipler's Promise

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At this point, years later, no college

A couple years later of hanging out with the two. Anti took over and you were sleeping over with no Jack.

Y/n's Pov

I awoke to hearing the door close. Before my eyes could open, I felt someone sit next to me on the bed. The hand went under the cover and gripped my hand.

From the cold feeling, I could tell the person was Anti. He hesitanted but entertwined his fingers with mine and slowly brought our connected hands out from under the cover.

I felt my hand connect to something and I slightly opened my eyes ro see Anti kissing the back of my hand lovingly.

To my relief, I could feel his warm breath flow over my hand.

My eyes quickly closed as he opened his mouth to speak. "I know your awake." I opened my eyes to see Anti smirking. He had dropped our hands onto the blanket.

"Anti..."  His eyes flickered as I pulled him down under the cover. He looked scared as I pulled him a little close.

He tried to pull away But I pulled him closer to me into a hug. "Y/n…I don't want to hurt you.."  I smiled.

"You asked me if I'd ever consider falling for you..-"  "It kinda just came out. Im sorry I didn't mean anything by it."

He slightly pulled away and looked into my eyes. I tilted my head. "You didn't mean anything by it?"

Even though I tried, I couldn't help that my voice sounded broken from disappointment.

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak but instead he growled in pain amd those blue eyes took over.  A large crash downstairs caused me to get up and run down.

I entered the kitchen and a large hand had my neck pinned to the wall in seconds.

He looked a lot like Mark. "Who are you?" His voice even sounded similar. My eyes widened in fear as he glanced at my body like I was his prey.

Lust was very visible in his eyes.

Jack ran in and growled at the male. "Dark release her!" The male, now identified as Dark, looked at Jack with annoyance.

He then smirked and lifted my sleeve. "Jack, has Anti  not claimed her yet?" A burning sensation went up my arm and Jack ran at Dark.

Hm... Demon vs Human...


Dark punched Jack very hard in the stomach. A dark red aura surrounded Dark's hand when he pulled back. Jack screamed in pain, but it wasn't his stomach.

He held his head like it was being ripped off. I ran up to Jack and he didn't open his eyes.

Dark pulled me back by the arm and I tried to go to Jack but he yanked me to be against him. My back against his built chest.

He shielded my eyes from a bright light and then the light dimmed and I saw Jack holding his head tighter, still screaming. Anti's scream mixed into it.

His body started to glitch into two. Dark growled and I looked up at him. The frightening thing was were his focus was.

A large black/purple mixtured portal opened into the wall. Some kind of dog-wolf beast stepped out and ran at Jack. Dark raised his hand and a dark red ball vaperized the animal.

I flinched and clunched Dark's shirt. The portal grew as more dog-beasts and other monsters came through.

"Dark?!"  He noticed my worry and clutched his fist. "I can't fight them with you holding me like this."

He let go of me and I ran towards Jack. "Tch.. Stupid girl.." When I got close enough to the red light surrounding them, it shocked me.

Dark walked slowly over and laid his hand on Jack's shoulder and than.. inside him?  He ripped Anti out of Jack and the screaming stopped. Both males laid unconsious on the floor.

"A-Anti? But wait.. Jack?"

Dark yanked me back and my ribs slammed into far wall. A pained gasp escaped my lips and Dark walked towards me.

"An..ti ... J..Ja..ck.."

The eyes of both males shot open and Anti shot up looking for me.

I gasped for air as Dark leaned down and picked me up by the wrist. He pulled me up so I was face to face with him.

Jack took a second to shake off the shock, as soon as he saw me, Anti was already running at Dark. He stumbled towards me.

Dark's rough hands cupped my face as he leaned forward. My vision faded.

Anti's Pov

Dark hurt her. He fucking hurt her!

Y/n's side bled as he leaned in to kiss her. I punched with my right fist, causing him to fly to the side.

Dark had dropped her and I caught her before she could hit the ground hard. Jack was at my side instantly.

I quickly checked her for bruises, afterwards I glared at Dark. Making my hand linger on her shoulder a little to long.

"This is NOT why I called you!" Dark instantly understood the situation. "Anti... did you.. seriously... fall for… a human girl?"

I 'tched' and glared at Jack. "Watch her. Call the hospital if you have to. I'll handle Dark..."

As soon as she left my arms, I was right in front of Dark. My foot came in hard contact with his wrist. He growled in pain and pleasure.

"You put a lot in that kick. There are some strong feelings for her hm?"  I growled and he was quickly standing.

"Anti, if I come back and she isn't claimed, I won't hesitate. It's a promise." He disappeared and I watched Jack hang up his phone.

Y/n's breathing was off and blood poured through her borrowed jacket.

It wasn't even five minutes until people busted through the door and took over. They pushed us away. Jack looked down in a sad way and I growled.

He looked up at me with a weird expression I couln't register. "Anti, why did you ask Darkiplier to split us?"

"It's hard to explain."  He looked at me with a 'bullshit' expression but shrugged it off.

A female paramedic walked up to us and spoke about Y/n. "Well we got her so she can be moved to to ambulance. That's all we can do for your friend at the moment."

I glanced at Jack to answer and he did. "Thank you so much! We appreiciate it." The lady looked at me with a flirty expression.

"You have some pretty eyes."  "He uses contacts." The lady looked annoyed at Jack for answering but I looked at him with a thank you in mind.

As soon as she walked off, I did thank him and asked him the question I had in mind. "What are contacts?" He started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You!" I frowned wondering why I was befriending him. Y/n is the only human i'm intrested in.

Anti x Reader x JackWhere stories live. Discover now