'10' Panic

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Anti's Pov

I heard a lot of people running and woke up. I jumped up and saw Jack pacing back and forth. He was chewing the tip of his thumb.

"Jack, What's going on?!" He looked at me with panic in his eyes. "I don't know.. I don't know.."  I grabbed him by the arm."Dude what happened to Y/n?" 

His hands were shaking and he didn't speak. A couple minutes later, Y/n's doctor walked up to us.

"Excuse me gentleman.. which one of you is Ms. L/n's significant other?"  I narrowed my eyes at Jack and he noticed. "Erm it's a complicated relationship.."

The doctor's eyes darted to me and then Jack. "Well ok. Would you like the good or bad news first?"

Jack started to answer but I cut him off. "Goo-"  "Bad new. Always the bad news first."

"Well Ms. L/n has internal bleeding and we must do a very dangerous procedure to keep her stable." Jack's face turned a little pale. "The good news?"

"If everything goes right, she can go home early tomorrow morning." The doctor walked away and we sat down to rest.


"What is it Jack."

"She loves both of us."

My face showed no emotion. "Both of us?"  He smiled. "Yea. Since she can't choose, we could share her. It won't be hard."

"Jack, we can't share her first kiss, or taking her virginity, or even her first child. Those things can't be shared."

Jack's smile faultered. "Way to be a downer." I looked away. Shut the fuck up..

One agonizing day later.


Y/n's Pov

I felt someone pick me up and set me in a wheelchair. My vision was blurry and my side hurt like hell. Someone was in front of me speaking. Everything was fuzzy.

After about 20 minutes later, I was seated in a car. Noise came to me but my vision did not. I noticed it was Jack and Anti taking to each other. While one drove, the other sat back with me.

I closed my eyes and leaned on that person. They completly stiffened. I felt around for a hand to hold. When I felt the cold hands I knew who it was.

Anti realized what I wanted and held my hand, slowly entertwining our fingers. I hummed in response and fell asleep.

Anti's Pov

Y/n felt around for my hand and I laced our fingers together. Her head was resting on my shoulder, her breathing was very quiet.

Jack's eyes dart to the mirror, then to the road. "Holding hands eh? Anti.. how are we going to split her?" He smirked at me. "I call her first kiss." I smirked. "Then I call her virginity."

Anti x Reader x JackWhere stories live. Discover now