Dark.. '17'

167 6 4

A couple months later

I sighed, annoyed with all the constant yaping, but grateful that it was peaceful. Right now, was the only quiet in the house.. Mainly because it is 8 am in the morning and I'm cooking breakfast.

All the guys were asleep so it was just me, and I was fine with that. The only noise was the siezeling from the pan. I cracked another egg and my ear twitched, alerting me someone was a approaching.

A warm hand on my back caused me to look over at my shoulder at the sweet smiling Mark. He looked over my shoulder.

"What's in store for us this time?" I smiled back at him, holding up the pan of bacon. "Bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits, and gravy."

He chuckled causing a blush to cover my cheeks as I turned back to the pan. He washed his hands and rolled his sleeves up, helping me finish up.

Dark walked in scratching his ear while staring at the ground. He looked up and growled ever so slightly at Mark's hand which rested on my shoulder as a friendly gesture.

Mark shuddered and looked over at Dark. "Oh, good morning." Dark simply nodded and stared at me. Mark left to put the food on the table. Dark's eyes remained on me.

I turned around ignoring him and retch my hand up to reach a taller cabinet for plates. After struggling for a minute, strong hands on my waist lifted me up so I could get them.

I 'yes'ed with excitement, grabbing the plates. When I was set down, I turned with a smile. "Thanks, Dark!"  He nodded and put his hands in his pockets. Did I mention he was shirtless? And only in dark grey jogging pants?

Mark was in a longsleeved black shirt and dark grey jogging pants. Both of them had messy hair. I giggled to myself and brought the plates to the table.

With care, I put the plates in the spots for all 5 of us. Dark was behind me when I turned around so I smiled at him again. Mark walked in with a tired Jack. "I could only get Jack, Anti wouldn't budge."

I sighed and walked up the stairs. "I'll get him. Mark, can you and Jack finish the tea and set out drinks?" They nodded and I went into Anti and Jack's room.

On the right side of their bed, was a huge lump in the covers. I walked over to that side and nudged Anti. "Come on Anti, foods done." Silence. "Anti-"

He retch behind him, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me over his body. I blushed because he was over top of me, one of his hands on my right hip, the other beside my head. One of his legs were in between mine.

He smiled innocently and kissed me forcefully. I gasped into the kiss, allowing his tongue to slip through and explore my mouth. He then nipped lightly on my bottom lip not enough to leave a mark but enough to leave me flustered.

He pulled back and examined his work with a playful smirk. My cheeks were a visible pink. He chuckled as I hit him in the arm.

He sat back, allowing me to get out from under him and we went downstairs while I put my h/c in a loose braid.

My hair had changed from its blue, my eyes returned to normal also within the time the ipliers moved in with us.

The guys were talking to each other, sitting in their normal spots around our rectangle table.

I sat down next to Jack, Anti instantly taking the spot next to me, Dark and Mark sat across from us, Dark in front of me.

I served my plate along with the others and dug in.

When I was halfway done, I felt something cold touch my leg, but my mouth was full so I didn't say anything.

It ran up my leg slowly and then between them. I could tell it was a foot.. But who-

I took a quick glance at Dark, he was drinking his tea with a small smirk, Then back down at my plate.

It was Dark's foot, definitely. He rubbed me there real slow and gentle, I ate like it was normal, because I didn't want Anti to notice.

I held back a moan as he pressed on my core. Why the fuck does he do this to me? I stared at my plate while eating the bacon, remembering he can read minds, I thought of something.


Dark set his glass down and glanced at Mark, before devoring more of his food. I suddenly heard his voice in my head.

'Because you're so damn sexy'

'Dark.. This isn't right. Anti will catch you and I don't want another fight.'

Dark glanced at Anti, who was eating silently.


I tried to close my legs, but he pushed his toe against my core a little harder and I bit my bacon harder, glaring at him.



He did it again and I stood up abruptly. "I'll be right back." I ran up to the bathroom and locked the door behind me, cursing him silently.

It took about three seconds for Anti to be at the door. He knocked on it asking if I was ok. I sighed, opened the door, and dragged him in by the wrist.

He has a worried look on his face that made me feel bad for even thinking of Dark in that way. He cupped my face gently.

"You ok, beautiful?" I nodded with a fake smile, he noticed and frowned. "Y/n.." I looked up at his eyes, but that was a mistake.

He pinned me to the countertop with both of his hands on it, his, now glowing eyes staring down at me. "What's wrong." I shivered, his voice was much deeper than normal.

   He leaned down and captured my lips with his own, one of his hands went to my back, the other went to my braid, holding my head closer to his.

When he pulled back, his lips hovered over a visible part of my neck. "Gonna tell me?" I gulped. "Anti.." He looked up at me, with those eyes that saw through me.

"Please.." I tilted my neck more.  He bit his lip real hard, obviously effected by my needy state. "Now with that damn demon here.. I can't do anything to you or-" I grabbed his hips and slammed him into me. He held in a groan and growled, instantly going for my neck. Without thinking He stopped and then smirked deviously.

"Hey Y/n? Can we go to the park?"  I looked at him confused. "Why the par-"  He kissed me, shutting me up. "We aren't going to the park."  "Wha?"  He pulled back and walked towards the door. I gulped, following soon after.

Jack nodded with a smile while looking at me as I walked down the stairs. Anti turned to me with a smile. "Let's go."  My confusion skyrocketed. "Where?"  He glanced at Dark to answer him.

"We are going to the park." I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to have time to eat.


I was driving my car with Anti in the passanger seat. Mark volunteered to drive the other two. I sighed again, as we pulled out. The park was an hour away!

Anti x Reader x JackWhere stories live. Discover now