Team Rocket

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Episode 5- Team Rocket

(Y,N) and Leaf battling each other to get ready to battle the first gym leader.

"Meowth use Bite." (Y,N) told Meowth.

"Magnemite dodge then use Sonic Boom." Leaf told Magnemite.

Meowth used bite and Magnemite used Sonic Boom and hit Meowth.

5 hours later

(Y,N) and Leaf healed their Pokémon and went back to the Pokémon Center. Once (Y,N) and Leaf went inside they saw their friend Ash Ketchum and a girl with orange hair.

"Hey Ash." (Y,N) and Leaf said at the same time.

"Huh oh hey (Y,N), hey Leaf." Ash said sadly.

"Ash what's wrong." Leaf said worried about her friend.

Ash didn't say anything he just looked at the E.R.

"Your Pokémon got hurt?" Leaf said to Ash kindly.

"Yes Pikachu and I got attacked by a flock of Spearow's." Ash said sadly.

"Are you all right Ash." (Y,N) said to Ash with a worried look for his friend.

(Y,N) and Leaf saw a orange hair girl.

"Oh I'm sorry my name is (Y,N)." (Y,N) said Kindly.

"My name is Leaf." Leaf said kindly.

"Hi my name is Misty." Misty said kindly.

Then Nurse Joy came out of the E.R.

"Nurse Joy is my Pikachu okay?" Ash asked Nurse Joy.

"Yes Ash your Pikachu will be alright all he need is rest." Nurse Joy said kindly.

All of a sudden the lights turned off and a single light turned on and saw a woman with purple hair, a man with blue hair, and a Meowth walking in two feet.

'Prepare for trouble!

'Make it double!

'To protect the world with devastation!

'To unite all peoples within our nation!

'To denounce the evil of truth and love!

'To extend our reach to the stars above!



'Team Rocket blast off to the speed of light!

'Surrender now or prepare to fight!

'Meowth. That's right!

Everyone except (Y,N) was confused.

"Oh. My. Arceus. That Meowth just talked that is so COOL!" (Y,N) said excitedly.

Everyone looked at (Y,N).

"A talking Meowth how is that even possible you know what I don't care you are so cool." (Y,N) said excitedly.

"Thank you." Meowth said with a smile.

"(Y,N) they are trying to steal the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center." Leaf told (Y,N).

"Even the talking Meowth." (Y,N) said sadly.

"Yes (Y,N) even the talking Meowth." Leaf said to (Y,N) calmly.

(Y,N) looked at the talking Meowth.

"Why talking Meowth why are you trying to steal the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center." (Y,N) said sadly with a tear.

"(Y,N) focus." Leaf said to (Y,N) seriously.

"Right." (Y,N) said seriously.

"Go Koffing!" James said.

"Go Ekans!" Jessie said

"Golden I chose you." Misty said.

Team Rocket start laughing.

"Golden den den." Golden said while splashing.

"Return Golden." Misty said sadly

"(Y,N) what Pokémon we should use?" Leaf asked (Y,N).

"How about Meowmite." (Y,N) told Leaf.

"Meowmite is not a Pokémon." Misty told (Y,N).

"That's a good idea (Y,N)." Leaf said to (Y,N) while ignoring Misty.

(Y,N) and Leaf each grabbed a Pokéball.

"Meowmite I chose you." (Y,N) and Leaf said at the same time.

"Ash, Misty go help Nurse Joy protect the Pokémon." (Y,N) said seriously.

"Got it." Ash and Misty said at the same time.

Meowth and Magnemite came out.

"Meowth use Bite on Ekans." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

"Ekans use Bite on Meowth." Jessie said to Ekans.

"Koffing use Smog." James said to Koffing.

"James no!" Jessie and Meowth said at the same time.

Officer Jenny was driving to the Pokémon Center when she saw that the roof of the Pokémon Center and Team Rocket was blasting off.

(Y,N)'s Pokémon Adventure Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now