(Y,N) vs Ash

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Episode 16 (Y,N) vs Ash

(Y,N) and Leaf got out of the Pokémon Center after healing their Pokémons and they saw their friend Ash, with Misty and Brock the Pewter City Gym leader.

"Ah Leaf my love I knew we will see each other again." Brock said to Leaf.

"How many times do I have to tell you I have a boyfriend!" Leaf shouted.

"Hey (Y,N)." Ash said to (Y,N).

"Yes Ash." (Y,N) said to his friend.

"Let's have a battle." Ash said to (Y,N).

"Okay Ash lets battle." (Y,N) said to Ash

"Pikachu I chose you." Ash said to Pikachu.

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said to Ash.

"Meowth I chose you" (Y,N) said to Meowth.

"Meow Meow." Meowth said to (Y,N).

"Pikachu use Quick Attack." Ash said to Pikachu.

"Meowth dodged it and use Fury Swipe." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

Pikachu used Quick Attack but Meowth dodged and use Fury Swipe on Pikachu.

"Pikachu use Thundershock." Ash said to Pikachu.

"Meowth dodged it and use Hypnosis." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

Pikachu used Thundershock but Meowth dodged and used Hypnosis. Pikachu fell asleep.

"Pikachu wake up." Ash said to Pikachu.

"Meowth use Iron Tail." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

Pikachu was still asleep then Meowth used Iron Tail. Pikachu fainted.

"Pikachu is unable to battle Meowth wins. Ash pick your next Pokémon." Brock said.

Ash grabbed Pikachu.

"You did good Pikachu get some rest." Ash said to Pikachu.

Ash gave Misty Pikachu.

"Pidgeotto I chose you." Ash said.

"Good job Meowth return." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

(Y,N) grabbed a Pokéball.

"Charmeleon I chose you." (Y,N) said.

"Pidgeotto use Wing Attack." Ash said to Pidgeotto.

"Charmeleon use Dragon Dance." (Y,N) said to Charmeleon.

Pidgeotto used Wing Attack and it hit Charmeleon. Charmeleon used Dragon Dance.

"Pidgeotto use Wing Attack again." Ash said to Pidgeotto.

"Outrage." (Y,N) said to Charmeleon.

Pidgeotto used Wing Attack but before the attack hit Charmeleon. Charmeleon used Outrage and Pidgeotto fainted.

"Pidgeotto is unable to battle Charmeleon wins. Ash sent out your last Pokémon." Brock said.

"Take a good rest Pidgeotto return." Ash said to Pidgeotto.

"Good job Charmeleon return." (Y,N) said to Charmeleon.

"Butterfree I chose you." Ash said.

"Squirtle I chose you." (Y,N) said.

"Butterfree use Confusion." Ash said to Butterfree.

"Squirtle dodged it and use Aqua Jet." (Y,N) said to Squirtle.

Butterfree used Confusion but Squirtle dodged and use Aqua Jet. Butterfree fainted.

"Butterfree is unable to battle Squirtle wins so the winner is (Y,N)." Brock said.

"Good job Squirtle return." (Y,N) said to Squirtle.

"Get some rest Butterfree return." Ash said to Butterfree.

"That was a good Battle (Y,N)." Ash said to (Y,N).

"Thanks Ash that was a good battle." (Y,N) said to Ash.

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