Vermilion City

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Episode 41: Vermilion City

A/N: here is the list of lemons I'll write. Request for lemons are still closed.

Sabrina- Two lemons
Professor Ivy- One lemon
Cynthia- One lemon
Diantha- One lemon
Korrina- One lemon
Flannery- Two lemons
Zoey- One lemon
Princess Salvia- One lemon
Princess Sara- One lemon
Serena- One lemon
Shauna- One lemon
Clair- Two lemons
Giselle- One lemon
Alexa- One lemon
Candela- One lemon
Charlene- One lemon
Courtney- One lemon
Diana- One lemon
Elesa- One lemon
Fantina- Two lemons
Freesia- One lemon
Karen- Two lemons
Lorelei- One lemon
Lucy- One lemon
Lusamine- One lemon
Olivia- One lemon
Olympia- One lemon
Shelly- One lemon
Skyla- One lemon
Valerie- One lemon
Wicke- One lemon
Kahili- One lemon
Caitlin- One lemon
Cheryl- One lemon
Cissy- One lemon
Daniela- One lemon
Domino- One lemon
Eliza- One lemon
Emma- One lemon
Fennel- One lemon
Grace- One lemon
Haley- One lemon
Luana- One lemon
Professor Juniper- One lemon
Satsuki- One lemon
Sophie- One lemon
Lana- One lemon

(Y,N), Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow arrived to Vermilion City. The six trainers went to the Pokémon Center to heal their Pokémon when they got inside they saw that the Pokémon Center was full of trainers with injured Pokémon. The six trainers saw Nurse Joy and went to talk to her.

"Excuse me Nurse Joy." Leaf said to Nurse Joy.

"Yes how can I help you six." Nurse Joy said to the six trainers.

"What happened to all does Pokémon." Melanie asked Nurse Joy.

"They all got hurt from Lt. Surge's Raichu." Nurse Joy said to the five trainers.

"Oh he must a strong gym leader. Can you please heal our Pokémon Nurse Joy." Katrina said to Nurse Joy.

"Of course by the way where is the boy that was here with you?" Nurse Joy asked the five girls.

"What do you mean (Y,N) is right here." Yellow said to Nurse Joy.

The five girls looked to where (Y,N) was and saw that he was not there.

"(Y,N) where did he go." Daisy said with a surprised look.

"I'll heal your Pokémon while you five look for your friend."  Nurse Joy said to the five girls.

Nurse Joy left to heal their Pokémon.

"Where is he?" Katrina asked her friends.

With (Y,N)

(Y,N) went to the Pokémon Center phones to call Professor Oak. Professor Oak answered.

"Ah hello (Y,N) how is your Journey going?" Professor Oak asked (Y,N).

"It's good Professor." (Y,N) said to Professor Oak.

"So (Y,N) where are you guys now?" Professor Oak asked (Y,N).

"Vermilion City we just arrived. That's way I called can I switch my Pokémons?" (Y,N) asked Professor Oak.

"Sure (Y,N) which Pokémon do you want to send?" Professor Oak asked (Y,N).

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