(Y,N) vs Gary

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Episode 8- (Y,N) vs Gary

It's been a week since (Y,N) and Leaf has been in Pewter City. The two trainers have been training for a week. The two trainers left the Pokémon Center when they saw their rival Gary Oak.

"Well look what I see Leaf with the loser. Leaf why don't you ditch he and come with me." Gary said to Leaf.

"No Gary I'm staying with (Y,N)." Leaf told Gary.

"He's a loser Leaf I could beat him in a battle." Gary said angrily.

"I know (Y,N) can beat you Gary." Leaf said angrily.

"Well if I win Leaf you come with me." Gary told Leaf.

"If (Y,N) wins you stop calling him a loser." Leaf said to Gary.

Leaf looks at (Y,N).

"(Y,N) please win." Leaf said to (L,N).

Leaf hugged (Y,N) and kissed his cheek.

"Go Charmander." (Y,N) said while blushing.

"Ha this will be a piece of cake. Go Squirtle." Gary said while mocking (Y,N)

"Charmander Char." (I'm ready (Y,N) I'll win). Charmander said to (Y,N)

"Squirtle let's end this quick use Bubble." Gary said.

"Charmander dodge it and use Dragon Rush." (Y,N) said to Charmander.

Squirtle used Bubble but Charmander dodged it and used Dragon Rush which hit Squirtle and fainted.

"H-how is that possible. Return Squirtle," Gary said angrily.

"Good job Charmander return." (Y,N) said.

"You were lucky but you are still a loser." Gary said angrily.

"Hey Gary I thought we made a deal." Leaf said angrily.

"We did but I'm still calling him loser because he is a loser. Smell you later loser, Leaf." Gary said to the two trainers and left.

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