(Y,N) vs Lt. Surge

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Episode 42: (Y,N) vs Lt. Surge

A/N: here is the list of lemons I'll write. Request for lemons are still closed.

Sabrina- Two lemons
Professor Ivy- One lemon
Cynthia- One lemon
Diantha- One lemon
Korrina- One lemon
Flannery- Two lemons
Zoey- One lemon
Princess Salvia- One lemon
Princess Sara- One lemon
Serena- One lemon
Shauna- One lemon
Clair- Two lemons
Giselle- One lemon
Alexa- One lemon
Candela- One lemon
Charlene- One lemon
Courtney- One lemon
Diana- One lemon
Elesa- One lemon
Fantina- Two lemons
Freesia- One lemon
Karen- Two lemons
Lorelei- One lemon
Lucy- One lemon
Lusamine- One lemon
Olivia- One lemon
Olympia- One lemon
Shelly- One lemon
Skyla- One lemon
Valerie- One lemon
Wicke- One lemon
Kahili- One lemon
Caitlin- One lemon
Cheryl- One lemon
Cissy- One lemon
Daniela- One lemon
Domino- One lemon
Eliza- One lemon
Emma- One lemon
Fennel- One lemon
Grace- One lemon
Haley- One lemon
Luana- One lemon
Professor Juniper- One lemon
Satsuki- One lemon
Sophie- One lemon
Lana- One lemon

After Nurse Joy healed the girls Pokémon they went outside and saw (Y,N).

"(Y,N) there you where did you go?" Leaf said her boyfriend.

"I had to call Professor Oak to switch my Pokémons."  (Y,N) said to his girlfriends.

"Okay (Y,N) let's go to battle Lt. Surge." Daisy said to (Y,N).

(Y,N), Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow went to the gym. The six trainers arrived to the gym. The doors opened and there stood two people.

"Were here for a gym battle." (Y,N), Leaf, Katrina, and Yellow said to the two people.

"Hey boss four victims for the emergency room." The guy said to his boss.

"Which ones." Lt. Surge said while walking out of the dark.

A/N: just replaced Ash, Misty, and Brock  with you and your harem

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A/N: just replaced Ash, Misty, and Brock  with you and your harem.

"Welcome to Vermilion Gym." Lt. Surge said to the six trainers.

"Now which one of you babies is my first victim." Lt. Surge.

"I am my name is (Y,N) and I am not a baby." (Y,N) said to Lt. Surge.

"I call everyone who loses a baby." Lt. Surge said to (Y,N).

"Well I won't lose." (Y,N) said while holding a Pokéball.

"Good luck (Y,N)." Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow said to their boyfriend.

"Thanks girls." (Y,N) said to his girlfriends.

Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow went to the spectator seats. Lt. Surge and (Y,N) went to the battle field.

"This is a one on one battle between Lt. Surge and challenger (Y,N) let the battle begin." The referee said to Lt. Surge, (Y,N), Leaf , Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow.

"Glaceon I chose you." (Y,N) said while sending out Glaceon

"Come on out Raichu." Lt. Surge said while sending out Raichu.

Before the battle could even begin Ash opened the door.

"I'm here for a rematch." Ash said to Lt. Surge.

"Well baby you have to wait I'm battling another victim." Lt. Surge said to Ash.

Ash, Misty, and Brock saw (Y,N) in the battle field.

"Hey (Y,N)." Ash, Misty, and Brock said to (Y,N).

"Hey guys." (Y,N) said to his friends.

Ash, Misty, and Brock went to the spectator seats.

"Ah Leaf, Katrina, Melanie I knew I would see you three beauties again and Daisy your here to I knew you four wanted me." Brock said to Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, and Daisy while trying to flirt with them.

"Were taken." Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, and Daisy.

"I'm taken too." Yellow said to Brock.

"Um okay dude." Brock said to Yellow.

"I'm a girl." Yellow said angrily.

"What is that Pokémon." Ash said while grabbing his Pokédex.

Ash Pointed his Pokédex at Glaceon.

"There is no information about this Pokémon." Ash's Pokédex said to Ash.

"No information." Ash said with a continued look.

Back to Lt. Surge and (Y,N)

"Quick Glaceon dodge it and use Ice Fang." (Y,N) said to Glaceon.

Raichu used Thunder Shock on Glaceon but Glaceon dodged and used Ice Fang. It hit Raichu.

"Raichu use Body Slam." Lt. Surge said to Raichu.

"Glaceon use Quick Attack." (Y,N) said to Glaceon.

Glaceon used Quick Attack on Raichu. It hit Raichu. Raichu used Body Slam on Glaceon. It hit Glaceon. Glaceon feels weak.

"Wow for a baby your strong but not strong enough." Lt. Surge said to (Y,N)

Glaceon feel and is having trouble standing.

"Glaceon are you all right." (Y,N) said to Glaceon with a worried tone.

"Raichu finish this with Body Slam." Lt. Surge said to Raichu.

"Glaceon are you all right can you get up." (Y,N) said to Glaceon.

Glaceon got up. Raichu is using Body Slam.

"Come on Glaceon get up." (Y,N) said with a worried tone.

Glaceon got up.

"Good job Glaceon dodge it then use Icy Wind." (Y,N) said to Glaceon.

Raichu used Body Slam but Glaceon dodged and used Icy Wind. It hit Raichu. Raichu fainted.

"What!" Lt. Surge said with a surprised look.

"Raichu is unable to battle Glaceon wins and the battle goes to (Y,N)." The referee said to (Y,N), Lt. Surge, Ash, Misty, Brock, Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow.

"Raichu return." Lt. Surge said to Raichu.

"Glaceon return." (Y,N) said to Glaceon.

"Good job (Y,N) I didn't think you would beat me. Here is the Thunder Badge you deserved it." Lt. Surge said to (Y,N) while giving him the Thunder Badge.

"Thank you Lt. Surge you were a strong opponent." (Y,N) said to Lt. Surge.

"Your Welcome (Y,N)." Lt. Surge said to (Y,N).

Lt. Surge looks at the spectator seats.

"I'll be right back I'm going to heal my Pokémon then I will face my next victim." Lt. Surge said to Ash, Leaf, Katrina, and Yellow.

(Y,N)'s Pokémon Adventure Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now