Pewter City

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Episode 7- Pewter City

(Y,N) and Leaf are about to leave Viridian Forest when Leaf saw a Diglett.

(Y,N) and Leaf are about to leave Viridian Forest when Leaf saw a Diglett

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Leaf grabbed her Pokédex and pointed at Diglett.

"Diglett the Mole Pokemon. Diglett lives about one yard underground where it feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears aboveground. Diglett knows Scratch, Sand Attack, Growl, Astonish, Ancient Power, Feint Attack, Mud Bomb, and Pursuit." Leaf's Pokédex said.

"Who should I use?" Leaf asked (Y,N).

"Bulbasaur should be able to fight Diglett." (Y,N) told Leaf.

"Thanks (Y,N). Bulbasaur I chose you." Leaf said happily.

"Bulba Bulba saur saur." (I can't wait to make a new friend). Bulbasaur said to Leaf.

"Bulbasaur use Leaf Storm." Leaf said to Bulbasaur.

Diglett used Growl and Bulbasaur used Leaf Storm and hit Diglett.

"Pokéball go!" Leaf said while throwing a Pokéball at Diglett.

The Pokéball shook three times and stopped.

"Yes I caught Diglett. Return Bulbasaur.

(Y,N) and Leaf are almost to the exit when (Y,N) saw a shiny Squirtle.

(Y,N) and Leaf are almost to the exit when (Y,N) saw a shiny Squirtle

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(Y,N) grabbed his Pokédex.

"Squirtle the Tiny Turtle Pokémon. Squirtle's shell is not merely used for protection. The shell's rounded shape and the grooves on its surface help minimize resistance in water, enabling this Pokémon to swim at high speeds. Knows Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Withdraw, Aqua Jet, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, and Muddy Water." (Y,N)'s Pokédex said.

"Meowth I chose you." (Y,N) said.

"Meow Meowth." (What now another Pokémon). Meowth said to (Y,N) in a sassy tone.

"Meowth use Iron Tail." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

Squirtle used Aura Sphere while Meowth used Iron Tail. Both attacks hit.

"Pokéball go!" (Y,N) said while throwing a Pokéball.

The Pokéball shook three times and stopped.

"Yes I caught a Squirtle. Return Meowth." (Y,N) said to Meowth.

(Y,N) and Leaf left Viridian Forest and walked to Pewter City.

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