Yellow gets a New Team Member

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Episode 37: Yellow gets a New Team Member

A/N: here is the list of lemons I'll write. Request for lemons are still closed.

Sabrina- Two lemons
Professor Ivy- One lemon
Cynthia- One lemon
Diantha- One lemon
Korrina- One lemon
Flannery- Two lemons
Zoey- One lemon
Princess Salvia- One lemon
Princess Sara- One lemon
Serena- One lemon
Shauna- One lemon
Clair- Two lemons
Giselle- One lemon
Alexa- One lemon
Candela- One lemon
Charlene- One lemon
Courtney- One lemon
Diana- One lemon
Elesa- One lemon
Fantina- Two lemons
Freesia- One lemon
Karen- Two lemons
Lorelei- One lemon
Lucy- One lemon
Lusamine- One lemon
Olivia- One lemon
Olympia- One lemon
Shelly- One lemon
Skyla- One lemon
Valerie- One lemon
Wicke- One lemon
Kahili- One lemon
Caitlin- One lemon
Cheryl- One lemon
Cissy- One lemon
Daniela- One lemon
Domino- One lemon
Eliza- One lemon
Emma- One lemon
Fennel- One lemon
Grace- One lemon
Haley- One lemon
Luana- One lemon
Professor Juniper- One lemon
Satsuki- One lemon
Sophie- One lemon
Lana- One lemon

(Y,N) and his girlfriends woke up got dressed and started walking to leave Viridian Forest when Yellow saw a Jigglypuff. Yellow grabbed her Pokédex and pointed at Jigglypuff.

 Yellow grabbed her Pokédex and pointed at Jigglypuff

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"Jigglypuff the Balloon Pokémon. Jigglypuff possess a vocal range that exceeds 12 octaves, but each individual's singing skill depends on its own effort. Jigglypuff is level 11. Jigglypuff is Female. Jigglypuff knows Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice, Work Up, Toxic, Hidden Power (Dragon), Sunny Day, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Light Screen, Protect, Rain Dance, Safeguard, Frustration, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Double Team, Reflect, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Facade, Rest, Attract, Round, Echoed Voice, Fling, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Gyro Ball, Psych Up, Dream Eater, Grass Knot, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Wild Charge, Dazzling Gleam, Confide, Perish Song, Present, Feint Attack, Wish, Fake Tears, Last Resort, Covet, Gravity, Captivate, Punishment, Misty Terrain, and Heal Pulse." Yellow's Pokédex said to Yellow.

"A Jigglypuff I'm going to catch it." Yellow said to her boyfriend and friends.

Yellow grabbed Pikachu's Pokéball.

"Pikachu I chose you."  Yellow said while throwing Pikachu's Pokéball.

Pikachu came out of his Pokéball.

"Pikachu use Thunder Shock." Yellow said to Pikachu.

Pikachu used Thunder Shock on Jigglypuff. It hit Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff used Disarming Voice.  It hit Pikachu.

"Pikachu use Thunder Shock." Yellow said to Pikachu.

Pikachu used Thunder Shock on Jigglypuff l. It hit Jigglypuff. Yellow threw a Pokéball.

"Pokéball go."  Yellow said while throwing a Pokéball at Jigglypuff.

The Pokéball shook three times then Stopped.

"Yes I caught Jigglypuff. Return Pikachu." Yellow said to Pikachu.

Pikachu returned to his Pokéball.

Yellow's Team


Level 10

Gender Male

Knows Tail Whip, Thunder Shock, Play Nice, and Growl


Gender Female

Level 17

Knows Scratch, Growl, Bite, Fake Out, Foul Play, Hypnosis, Fury Swipes, Screech, and Iron Tail


Gender Female

Level 11

Knows Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice, Work Up, Toxic, Hidden Power (Dragon), Sunny Day, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Light Screen, Protect, Rain Dance, Safeguard, Frustration, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Double Team, Reflect, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Facade, Rest, Attract, Round, Echoed Voice, Fling, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Gyro Ball, Psych Up, Dream Eater, Grass Knot, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Wild Charge, Dazzling Gleam, Confide, Perish Song, Present, Feint Attack, Wish, Fake Tears, Last Resort, Covet, Gravity, Captivate, Punishment, Misty Terrain, and Heal Pulse.

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