Yellow catches a Pokémon

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Episode 32: Yellow catches a Pokémon

A/N: here is the list of lemons I'll write.

Sabrina- Two lemons
Professor Ivy- One lemon
Cynthia- One lemon
Diantha- One lemon
Korrina- One lemon
Flannery- Two lemons
Zoey- One lemon
Princess Salvia- One lemon
Princess Sara- One lemon
Serena- One lemon
Shauna- One lemon
Clair- Two lemons
Giselle- One lemon
Alexa- One lemon
Candela- One lemon
Charlene- One lemon
Courtney- One lemon
Daisy Oak- One lemon
Diana- One lemon
Elesa- One lemon
Fantina- Two lemons
Freesia- One lemon
Karen- Two lemons
Lorelei- One lemon
Lucy- One lemon
Lusamine- One lemon
Olivia- One lemon
Olympia- One lemon
Shelly- One lemon
Skyla- One lemon
Valerie- One lemon
Wicke- One lemon
Leaf- One lemon
Kahili- One lemon
Caitlin- One lemon
Cheryl- One lemon
Cissy- One lemon
Daniela- One lemon
Domino- One lemon
Eliza- One lemon
Emma- One lemon
Fennel- One lemon
Grace- One lemon
Haley- One lemon
Luana- One lemon
Professor Juniper- One lemon
Satsuki- One lemon
Sophie- One lemon
Yellow- One lemon
Lana- One lemon

Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow are walking while explaining to Yellow why (Y,N) has so many shiny Pokémon.

"Where is (Y,N)?" Daisy asked Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, and Yellow.

"He went back to Viridian City." Leaf said.

"Why did he go back to Viridian City?" Melanie asked Leaf.

"He went to Switch his Pokémons." Leaf said to Melanie.

(Y,N) comes back.

"Hey girls." (Y,N) said to his four girlfriends and Yellow.

(By the way for people who are confused Yellow isn't in your harem yet but she does like you and will join your harem in a future chapter.)

The five girls jumped.

"Ahhh! (Y,N)!" The five girls screamed.

The five girls punched (Y,N).

"Don't ever do that again got it." Leaf said to (Y,N).

"Okay Leaf." (Y,N) said with a sad smile.

"So (Y,N) What Pokémons did you switch for?" Katrina asked her boyfriend.

(Y,N) told the five girls about asking Professor Oak to switch his Pokémon and when Professor Oak asked for which Pokémon and (Y,N) asked Professor Oak for his Eevees and told Professor Oak about the eight of them being sisters and about the Eevee he caught when he left Viridian Forest so Professor Oak upgraded the carry six Pokémon rule to nine for (Y,N) but he still has to only use six Pokémon in battle. (Y,N) also told them that he released the nine Eevees and caught them again with eight love balls. Yellow saw a Meowth.

"Pikachu I chose you." Yellow said seriously.

Pikachu came out of his Pokéball.

"Pikachu use Thunder Shock." Yellow said to Pikachu.

Pikachu used Thunder Shock on Meowth but Meowth dodged and attacked. It hit Pikachu. Meowth went to attack.

"Pikachu dodge it then use Thunder Shock." Yellow said to Pikachu.

(Y,N)'s Pokémon Adventure Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now