Taking a break

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Episode 33: Taking a break

A/N: here is the list of lemons I'll write.

Sabrina- Two lemons
Professor Ivy- One lemon
Cynthia- One lemon
Diantha- One lemon
Korrina- One lemon
Flannery- Two lemons
Zoey- One lemon
Princess Salvia- One lemon
Princess Sara- One lemon
Serena- One lemon
Shauna- One lemon
Clair- Two lemons
Giselle- One lemon
Alexa- One lemon
Candela- One lemon
Charlene- One lemon
Courtney- One lemon
Daisy Oak- One lemon
Diana- One lemon
Elesa- One lemon
Fantina- Two lemons
Freesia- One lemon
Karen- Two lemons
Lorelei- One lemon
Lucy- One lemon
Lusamine- One lemon
Olivia- One lemon
Olympia- One lemon
Shelly- One lemon
Skyla- One lemon
Valerie- One lemon
Wicke- One lemon
Leaf- One lemon
Kahili- One lemon
Caitlin- One lemon
Cheryl- One lemon
Cissy- One lemon
Daniela- One lemon
Domino- One lemon
Eliza- One lemon
Emma- One lemon
Fennel- One lemon
Grace- One lemon
Haley- One lemon
Luana- One lemon
Professor Juniper- One lemon
Satsuki- One lemon
Sophie- One lemon
Yellow- One lemon
Lana- One lemon

(Y,N), Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow found a place to relax. (Y,N) passed out. Nine Eevees came out of their Pokéballs and went to (Y,N). The nine Eevees starts licking (Y,N)'s face. (Y,N) woke up and starts laughing.

"Eevees stop I'm up I'm up." (Y,N) said to the nine Eevees while laughing.

Leaf was battling Yellow for her first gym battle, Melanie is cooking lunch, Katrina is making Pokémon food for the Pokémon. Daisy is relaxing, and (Y,N) is play with his nine Eevees. (Y,N) is running from the Eevees while the Eevees are chasing (Y,N). The Eevees starts running faster and Tackled (Y,N). The Eevees starts licking (Y,N).

"Girls help me." (Y,N) said to his girlfriends and Yellow while laughing.

The five girls starts laughing.

"Sorry (Y,N) your on your own." Leaf said while laughing.

Five minutes of Eevees licking (Y,N) and (Y,N) laughing it was finally time for lunch.

"Lunch is ready." Melanie said to (Y,N), Leaf, Katrina, Daisy, and Yellow.

(Y,N) is training his Eevees. Leaf, Katrina, Melanie, Daisy, and Yellow sat down to eat. Leaf sent out Ivysaur, Magnemite, Diglett, Eevee, and Metapod. Katrina sent out Raichu, and Paras. Melanie sent out Ekans and Grimer. Daisy sent out Venusaur, Nidoking, Kingler, Jolteon, Rapidash, and Mr. Mime. Yellow sent out Pikachu and Meowth.

"(Y,N) lunch is ready." Melanie said to (Y,N).

"Okay Melanie. (Y,N) said to Melanie.

(Y,N) looks at his nine Eevees.

"Let's go eat Eevees." (Y,N) said to his Eevees happily.

(Y,N) and his Eevees ran to where the five girls and their Pokémon's and everyone starts eating.

(Y,N)'s Team

Shiny Eevee

Level 8

(Y,N)'s Pokémon Adventure Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now