Viridian Forest

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Episode 6- Viridian Forest

It was the next day after Team Rocket attacked the Pokémon Center. (Y,N) and Leaf left to continue their Pokémon adventure. (Y,N) and Leaf are walking in Viridian Forest.

'I can't believe Team Rocket attacked a Pokémon Center but they were no match for us. (Y,N) was so brave how do I tell him that I really like him.' Leaf thought.

Leaf was still thinking how handsome (Y,N) is that she didn't notice a sword a to strike.

"Leaf look out!" (Y,N) grabbed Leaf before the sword could hit her.

Leaf came back to reality and was shocked.

"(Y,N) you saved me." Leaf said while hugging (Y,N) tightly.

"Are the two of you for Pallet Town?" A boy in a Samurai suit said.

"What is your problem you could of hurt me!" Leaf said angry.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." The boy in the Samurai suit said a little scared.

"It's okay and yes we are from Pallet town." (Y,N) said kindly.

"Great I challenge the two of you to a Pokémon battle by the way my name is Samurai." Samurai said calmly.

"(Y,N)/Leaf." (Y,N) and Leaf said at the same time.

"Nice to meet you. It's going to be a double battle. Metapod/Pinsir come on out." Samurai said.

"Metapod pod Metapod." Metapod said.

"Pinsir Pin Pin Sir." Pinsir said.

"Charbasaur I chose you." (Y,N) and Leaf said that the same time.

"Char Char mander Charmander Char." (I'm ready for battle). Charmander said to (Y,N).

"Bulba Bulbasaur saur saur Bulba." (I'm ready Leaf). Bulbasaur said to Leaf.

"Metapod use Harden and Pinsir use Vice Grip on Charmander." Samurai said to Metapod and Pinsir.

"Charmander use Dragon Dance." (Y,N) said to Charmander.

"Bulbasaur use Skull Bash on Pinsir to protect Charmander." Leaf said to Bulbasaur.

"Bulba saur saur." (You got it Leaf). Bulbasaur said to Leaf.

Metapod used Harden on himself, Charmander used Dragon Dance on himself. Pinsir used Vice Grip on Charmander but Bulbasaur used Skull Bash to Protect Charmander.

" Charmander use Outrage full power." (Y,N) said to Charmander.

"Char Char mander Charmander." (Got it (Y,N) I won't let you down). Charmander said to (Y,N).

Charmander used Outrage and hit Pinsir. Pinsir fainted.

"Return Pinsir." Samurai said with a small smile.

"Bulbasaur use Skull Bash on Metapod." Leaf said

"Metapod use Harden." Samurai said.

Metapod used Harden on himself and Bulbasaur used Skull bash. Metapod fainted.

"Returned Metapod." Samurai said with a small smile.

"Good job Charmander/Bulbasaur return." (Y,N) and Leaf said at the Same time.

"That was a good battle (Y,N), Leaf." Samurai said with a smile.

"That was a good battle. It was nice meeting you Samurai." (Y,N) said kindly.

"Yah it was nice meeting you and I forgive you Samurai." Leaf said kindly.

"Thanks Leaf it was nice meeting you and (Y,N) bye." Samurai said and left.

"Bye." (Y,N) and Leaf said and start walking to the exit of Viridian Forest.

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